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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3G7TDR

Aptiva - Keyboard Error Codes: XX-301

Applicable to: World-Wide

Keyboard Diagnostics:

1.) With the computer off, locate the failing key and firmly tap it repeatedly.

2.) Drop the keyboard ONE INCH from a hard surface. Note: Fold in legs of keyboard before dropping.

3.) If the error code goes away, please test the key.

4.) Replace the keyboard if it fails again.


01-301 - 'ESCAPE' key stuck E1-301 - 'Pause' key stuck
02-301 - '1' key stuck 03-301 - '2' key stuck
04-301 - '3' key stuck 05-301 - '4' key stuck
06-301 - '5' key stuck 07-301 - '6' key stuck
08-301 - '7' key stuck 09-301 - '8' key stuck
0A-301 - '9' key stuck 0B-301 - '0' key stuck
0C-301 - '-' key stuck 0D-301 - '=' key stuck
0E-301 - Backspace stuck 0F-301 - 'Tab' key stuck
10-301 - 'Q' key stuck 11-301 - 'W' key stuck
12-301 - 'E' key stuck 13-301 - 'R' key stuck
14-301 - 'T' key stuck 15-301 - 'Y' key stuck
16-301 - 'U' key stuck 17-301 - 'I' key stuck
18-301 - 'O' key stuck 19-301 - 'P' key stuck
1A-301 - '[' key stuck 1B-301 - ']' key stuck
1C-301 - 'Enter' key stuck 1D-301 - Left 'Ctrl' key stuck
1E-301 - 'A' key stuck 1F-301 - 'S' key stuck
20-301 - 'D' key stuck 21-301 - 'F' key stuck
22-301 - 'G' key stuck 23-301 - 'H' key stuck
24-301 - 'J' key stuck 25-301 - 'K' key stuck
26-301 - 'L' key stuck 27-301 - ';' key stuck
28-301 - ' ' ' key stuck 29-301 - ' ` ' key stuck
2A-301 - Left 'Shift' key stuck 2B-301 - '\' key stuck
2C-301 - 'Z' key stuck 2D-301 - 'X' key stuck
2E-301 - 'C' key stuck 2F-301 - 'V' key stuck
30-301 - 'B' key stuck
31-301 - 'N' key stuck 32-301 - 'M' key stuck
33-301 - ',' key stuck 34-301 - '.' key stuck
35-301 - '/' key stuck 36-301 - Right 'Shift' key stuck
37-301 - '*' key stuck 38-301 - Left 'Alt' key stuck
39-301 - Space bar stuck 3A-301 - 'Caps Lock' key stuck
3B-301 - 'F1' key stuck 3C-301 - 'F2' key stuck
3D-301 - 'F3' key stuck 3E-301 - 'F4' key stuck
3F-301 - 'F5' key stuck 40-301 - 'F6' key stuck
41-301 - 'F7' key stuck 42-301 - 'F8' key stuck
43-301 - 'F9' key stuck 44-301 - 'F10' key stuck
45-301 - 'Num Lock' key stuck 46-301 - 'Scroll Lock' key stuck
47-301 - '7' (keypad) stuck 48-301 - '8' (keypad) stuck
49-301 - '9' (keypad) stuck 4A-301 - '-' (keypad) stuck
4B-301 - '4' (keypad) stuck 4C-301 - '5' (keypad) stuck
4D-301 - '6' (keypad) stuck 4E-301 - '+' (keypad) stuck
4F-301 - '1' (keypad) stuck 50-301 - '2' (keypad) stuck
51-301 - '3' (keypad) stuck 52-301 - '0' (keypad) stuck
53-301 - '.' (keypad) stuck D9-301 - 'F11' key stuck
57-301 - 'F11' key stuck 58-301 - F12' key stuck

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Input Devices, BIOS

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Aptiva

Product Family

Aptiva, PS/1

Machine Type

2134, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2159, 2161, 2162, 2168, 2176, 2011, 2121, 2123, 2133, 2155





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