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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CJHR9

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM ValuePoint - Type 64xx undetermined problem

Applicable to: World-Wide

Undetermined Problem:
Check the power supply voltages (see ¿Power Supply— in the PS/ValuePoint Hardware Maintenance Manual ).
If the voltages are correct, return here and continue with the following steps:
1. Power-off the computer.
2. Remove or disconnect the following, one at a time:
a. Non-IBM devices
b. External devices (modem, printer, or mouse)
c. Math coprocessor
d. Any adapters
e. Riser card
f. Memory modules (see ¿Computer Memory— in this supplement).
g. Extended video memory
h. External Cache
i. External Cache tag RAM
j. Hard disk drive
k. Diskette drive
3. Power-on the computer to re-test the system.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until you find the failing device or adapter.

If all devices and adapters have been removed, and the problem continues, replace the system board (see ¿Before Replacing 64XX System Boards— in this supplement).

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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Product Family


Machine Type

6472, 6482, 6492, 6484, 6494




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