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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3TRG4X

PC Server 325 - Installing NetWare 4.11 (8639-Pxx, RB0)

Applicable to: World-Wide

Updated: 11/19/97
Revision: 1.0

Supported Systems: 8639 -PB0, -PT0, -PTW, -RB0

What you will need:
- Flat head screw driver.
- Supported hard drive (refer to http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your IBM Server).
- Licensed copy of MS-DOS 6.22 or later, or PC-DOS 6.3 or later.
- Licensed copy of Novell NetWare 4.11
- ôEZ-SCSI Diskette 2 OF 3 Version 4.01Lö (part number 4306942). This diskette ships with the system or you can get the filename ô4306939.EXEö from the IBM BBS, FTP site, or Web site (see next section for more information).
- If you have added the PC ServeRAID II Adapter , you will need ôPC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette Version 2.23Aö (part number 4306765) , and the latest version of ôPC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette Version 2.23ö (part number 4227013). These diskettes ship with the RAID Adapter or you can get the filenames ô05L1955.EXEö and ô4227013.EXEö from the IBM BBS, FTP site, or Web site (see next section for more information).
- IntranetWare Support Pack v4.0 (file name IWSP.EXE). See Appendix B for further information on downloading and installing this support pack.

Where to download drivers/files:
IBM BBS (U.S.) 1-919-517-0001
IBM FTP site ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/
IBM US web site http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/searchfiles.html
(For IBM PC sites in other countries, begin at: http://www.pc.ibm.com)

Novell web site http://support.novell.com/misc/patlst.htm#nw411
Novell FTP site ftp://ftp.novell.com/pub/updates/nwos/nw411/

(For users who are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and install process, jump to Appendix B)

Setting Up the Hardware:
1. For models -PT0 and -PTW, ensure the voltage switch on the back of the power supply is set properly (models -PB0 and -RB0 have auto-sensing power supplies).
2. Looking at the rear of the system, loosen the 3 thumb screws on the right of the system and remove the side access panel.
3. For the initial install, it is recommended that you remove all adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed. (For example, if installing multiple network adapters, only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, just disconnect them temporarily). After the operating system is booting without errors, add these devices one at a time. This procedure streamlines the install process.

NOTE: If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter and intend to use it as the boot device, see Appendix A after completing the section Setting Up the BIOS:

NOTE: If you intend to use an external DASD enclosure, the following instructions will not apply. Refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper setup, then Proceed to Setting Up the BIOS:

4. Carefully cut and remove the wire tie that holds the internal power connectors to the swing out DASD cage. Loosen the thumb screw on the swing out DASD cage.
5. Set the jumpers on the boot hard drive to enable active termination (ôActive Termö or ôTresö jumper). The boot hard disk should be set to SCSI ID 0 (this is the default; no jumpers on the ID pins signifies ID 0). Refer to the hard drive documentation for more assistance on setting the termination and SCSI ID.
6. Insert the boot hard drive in the bottom bay of the drive cage circuit-side down and use the screw kit to mount the hard drive to the cage.
7. Attach the last drop of the SCSI cable (part number 60H9316) (farthest from the controller) to the boot hard drive. Attach an available internal power connector to the SCSI hard drive.
8. Verify that the SCSI cable (part number 60H9316) runs from the on-board SCSI controller to the CD-ROM, and then down to the hard drive in the DASD cage.

Setting Up the BIOS:
1. Power on the system and press F1 to enter ôConfiguration/Diagnosticsö.
2. Press Enter to select ôConfiguration/Setup Utilityö.
3. Select ôDate and Timeö and verify the settings. Then press Esc to return to the main menu.
4. Select ôStart Optionsö and verify that the ôFirst Startup Deviceö is set to ôDiskette Drive 0ö and, the ôSecond Startup Deviceö is set to ôHard Disk 0.ö Press Esc to return to the main menu.
5. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQÆs (or other system resources such as I/O ports or memory) reserved, choose ôPlug and Playö and then the desired resource type you wish to reserve. Change the desired resource from ôPlug and Playö to ôISA Legacy.ö From the ôPlug and Playö window, press Esc and select ôSave Settings.ö Press Enter and then select ôExit Setup.ö Press Esc and Enter to select ôYes, save and exit the Setup Utility.ö
6. The server will reboot. If you receive a ô162 Configuration Change has Occurredö message during post, press Enter to select ôContinueö, then Enter again. At the ôDiagnostic/Setup Utilityö window, press Esc and then Enter to select ôYes, save and exit the Setup Utility.ö

NOTE: If you have added the PC ServeRAID II adapter into the server, see Appendix A for hard disk configuration and operating system installation instructions.

Configuring Hard Drives Using the Integrated SCSI Controller:
1. If the system is non-array, verify that the boot hard drive is physically set to SCSI id 0 and boot the server, pressing Ctrl+A when prompted.
2. Select "Configure/View Host Adapter Settings."
3. Select "SCSI Device Configuration."
4. For Device IDs of hard drives and other bootable devices, set ôSend Start Unit Commandö to ôyesö.
5. Press Esc.
6. Select "Advanced Configuration Options."
7. Set "BIOS Support for Bootable CD-ROM" to "Disabled."
8. Set "Support for Int13 Extensions" to "Disabled."
9. Press Esc twice, confirming changes made.
10. Select "SCSI Disk Utilities."
11. Format each hard drive individually by pressing Enter while it is highlighted, selecting ôFormat Diskö, then ôYesö twice. Formatting may take some time.
12. When all formatting completes, exit the SCSISelect utility.
13. Install DOS. Be sure to create a DOS partition under 2 GB in size.
14. After installing DOS reboot the server. You will receive a message ôVirus Warning,ö this is normal. Select ôChange is expectedö.
15. Insert ôEZ-SCSI Diskette 2 OF 3 Version 4.01Lö and type:
16. Press Enter three times to accept the utilityÆs defaults.
17. Verify that all SCSI devices are properly detected and press Enter.
18. Press Enter to accept C:\SCSI as an installation directory.
19. Press Enter to accept A:\ as the installation directory for MSCDEX.EXE. This step will be skipped if a version of DOS with MSCDEX.EXE was installed.
20. Select the first drive you would like the Easy SCSI utility to reserve for the CD-ROM drive (D is the default and will be used in all of the following examples).
21. Press Enter twice and the Esc to modify CONFIG.SYS with the proper information for CD-ROM support.
22. Press Enter and then Esc to modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT.
23. Press Enter to return to DOS and remove the ôEZ-SCSI Diskette 2 OF 3 Version 4.01Lö diskette from the floppy drive.
24. Using a standard text editor, determine if the following lines are contained within the CONFIG.SYS on C:. If they are, type REM at the beginning of them:


Running NetWare 4.11 Installation the Program Using the Integrated SCSI Controller:
1. Reboot the server and insert the ôNetWare 4.11 Operating System CDö into the CD-ROM drive. Move to the CD-ROM drive letter set above and type: INSTALL
2. Select the language you wish to install in and press Enter.
3. Read through the licensing terms, pressing Enter as necessary.
4. From the ôSelect the type of installation desiredö screen, select ôNetWare Server Installationö and press Enter.
5. From the ôSelect the Product Desiredö screen, select ôNetWare 4.11ö and press Enter.
6. Select ôCustom Installation of NetWare 4.11ö and press Enter.
7. If you are installing to a hard drive larger than 4 GB, you will receive the message ôThe size of the DOS partition is XXX MB. It should be at least 15 MB to continue with the installation. Highlight ôYesö and press Enter.
8. Enter the Server Name and press Enter.
9. Unless you have a specific method of setting internal IPX numbers, accept the default by pressing Enter.
10. Press Enter to accept default source and destination directories for installation, or F2 to specify a different source path or F4 to specify a different destination path. Server boot files will now be copied to the DOS partition.
11. Select a locale configuration for the server and press Enter.
12. You may add or delete any special startup set commands. To accept the given defaults, press Enter. If you choose to modify set commands, do so and press F10 to save and continue.
13. Specify whether or not to add commands to AUTOEXEC.BAT to load SERVER.EXE (automatically load NetWare upon server boot) and press Enter. The default is No. If you choose to add the commands, specify the path to AUTOEXEC.BAT and press Enter
14. If you intend on running this server with multiple processors, select ôYesö to install ôSMP NetWareö and press Enter. If you choose to install "SMP NetWareö, choose ôMPS14.PSMö from the next screen and press Enter.
15. NetWare now scans for available disk controller drivers. You will receive a message ôInstall found the following hardware but found more than one driver supporting this hardware: PCI Disk Controller 8086.7010.0000.0000.00.ö Press Enter to see a list of drivers.
16. Highlight ôAIC7870.DSK,ö then press Enter.
17. Press Enter on ôSelect/Modify driver parameters.ö
18. Enter a slot number and press Enter, then F10. The slot number will vary depending upon what hardware is installed into the server.
19. Highlight ôSave parameters and continueö and press Enter.
20. You may now choose to add any additional Disk drivers in a similar manner to the above instructions if you have installed additional Disk controllers in the server.
21. NetWare now scans for available network card drivers. If the system selects the ôNovell Ethernet NE2100 (PCI)ö (this is for the Integrated 10/100 Ethernet adapter), accept it by pressing Enter.

NOTE: You may receive the message ôInstall found the following hardware but found more than one driver supporting this hardware: PCI.1022.2000.0000.0000.25.ö Press Enter to see a list of drivers, then select ôNovell Ethernet NE2100 (PCI)ö and press Enter.

22. Highlight ôSave parameters and continueö and Press Enter.
23. You may now install any additional network adapters in the above fashion by choosing Yes and pressing Enter, or select No and press Enter to continue with installation.
24. Select ôSelect additional or modify selected Disk/LAN driversö and press Enter. Highlight ôDisk and CD-ROM Driversö and press Enter.
25. Highlight ôDeselect a selected driverö and press Enter. Highlight ôAIC7870.DSKö and press Enter.
26. Highlight ôContinue installationö and press Enter.
27. You may now wish to specify any additional Disk or LAN Drivers. If you wish to do so highlight to ôSelect additional or modify Disk/LAN driversö and press Enter. If you are finished adding drivers, highlight to ôContinue installationö and press Enter.
28. You may receive a message on adapters with multiple ports or channels that their particular driver did not load. If you are not using all of their ports or channels this failure message is normal and should be ignored. Press Enter to continue the installation.
29. You may wish to add protocols other than IPX at the Protocol Selection screen by highlighting ôView/Modify Protocol Settingsö and pressing Enter twice. To continue the install using only IPX, press Enter. If you wish to install additional protocols, you will need to supply additional information at the ôProtocol Settingsö screen and then press Esc to return to the Protocol Selection screen. Highlight ôContinue with installationö and press Enter when protocol configuration is complete.
30. Highlight ôCreate NetWare Partitions Automaticallyö and press Enter.
31. Review the NetWare message listing the amount of free disk space for the system and press Enter.
32. At the next screen, press Insert then Enter on a volume name to change its size and F10 to save the change or F10 and then Enter to accept these default volume configurations and continue the installation.
33. You may receive a message stating that the CDROM.NLM did not load in time. This is normal, as the NW411 volume on the CD is very large. Installation will continue as soon as the CD volume mounts.
34. Press Enter to accept a preliminary install path or F3 for a different path. If you wish to change the path, enter the new path name and press Enter twice. The system will now perform a ôPreliminary Copyö.
35. After the preliminary copy, select ôYes this is the first NetWare 4 serverö, or ôNo to connect existing NetWare 4 network.ö

a) If you choose Yes:
1. Enter the Directory name and press Enter.
2. Select the appropriate Time Zone and press Enter.
3. Review settings for ôTime and Dateö and press Enter on any item to modify its value or F10 to accept the values and continue installation.
4. Specify ôCompany or Organizationö (normally the Directory Tree name again), and any additional suborganizations and press Enter.
5. Enter your Admin password twice, pressing Enter after each entry.
6. Choose Yes and press Enter to save Directory Information.

b) If you choose No:
1. The network is checked for existing NetWare Servers.
NOTE: A Master or Read/Write Replica Server in the NDS tree must be active before any given tree will appear in the list.
2. Select a NDS tree to connect to and press Enter.
3. Select the appropriate Time Zone and press Enter.
4. Review settings for Time and Date and press Enter on any item to modify its value or F10 to accepts the values and continue installation.
5. Enter the administrator password for that server and press Enter.
6. Specify any additional suborganizations and press Enter.
7. Choose Yes and press Enter to save Directory Information.

36. Setup prints out a report of Directory information to copy, press Enter to continue when you have completed copying this information.
NOTE: Use of a duplicate license diskette will cause unpredictable results and is a violation of the Novell NetWare License Agreement.
37. Insert the License Diskette for your version of NetWare and press Enter, or F3 to specify a location other than the A: drive.
38. A message stating that ôThe Server Connection License Was Successfully Installedö will appear. Press Enter and remove the License Diskette.
39. Make any changes you wish to make to the STARTUP.NCF and press F10 then Enter on Yes to confirm those changes.
40. Make any changes you wish to make to the AUTOEXEC.NCF and press F10 then Enter on Yes to confirm those changes. NetWare now performs the main file copy to hard drive.
41. When the copy is complete, choose continue installation and press Enter to exit.
42. Press Enter at the server installation of NetWare 4.11 is complete message. Installation of NetWare 4.11 is now complete.
43. Continue to Appendix C to install IntranetWare Support Pack v4.0.

Appendix A
Installing NetWare 4.11 Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter

Configuring Arrays with the PC ServeRAID II Adapter:
1. Upon initial boot, an error message similar to the following may be encountered:

ô - Following drives not responding (oldstate:newstate:ch:bay)
- Identifiers for the following drives do not match configuration ...ö

Press F10 - Exit without change and boot to theö PC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette Version 2.23ö, selecting ôAdvanced Functionsö, then "Init/View/Synchronize Configö and finally ôInitialize Configuration.ö Confirm initialization request with a Yes.
2. After initializing, exit to the main menu and select ôCreate/Delete/Copy Log Drive.ö
3. Select ôCreate Disk Array.ö
4. Select ôRDYö drives for each new array by pressing Enter on each highlighted drive and Esc when finished selecting drives.
5. Select ôDefine Logical Drive.ö
6. Select an array to define a drive on.
7. Specify the raid level for the new logical drive.
8. Specify size for the new logical drive, and confirm with a Yes.
9. A message stating that ôAll logical drives must be INITIALIZED after being createdö pops up press Enter. Confirm command to initialize the new logical drive with a Yes. If a RAID-5 logical drive was defined, a message stating that ôAll RAID-5 logical drives must be SYNCHRONIZED after initializationö pops up. Confirm synchronization of the new logical drive with a Yes.
10. After synchronization, Esc to the main menu. Choose ôAdvanced Functionsö, and then ôbackup IPS ServeRAID Config.ö
11. Enter the file name you wish to save the Config to, or press Enter to accept the default, then Yes to confirm.
12. Exit the utility, ignoring the message to back up the RAID configuration, again confirm with a Yes.
13. Install DOS. Be sure to create a DOS partition under 2 GB in size.
14. After installing DOS reboot the server. You will receive a Virus Warning, this is normal. Select ôChange is expected.ö
15. Insert ôPC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette.ö Change to the DOS directory and type "UINSTALL"
16. Accept all the defaults for the installation program by pressing Enter 4 times.
17. Press Enter At the Warning that the LASTDRIVE= statement in CONFIG.SYS may need to be altered. You may wish to review your CONFIG.SYS after UINSTALL completes.
18. Press Enter at the ôWarning that the system will need to reboot for changes to take effect,ö then press F3 to exit UINSTALL utility. Remove the
ôPC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Disketteö from the floppy drive.
19. Using a standard text editor, determine if the following lines are contained within the CONFIG.SYS on C:. If they are, type REM at the beginning of them:


NOTE: The default drive letter for the CD-ROM drive is D:. This letter will be used in all of the following examples. To change this value, edit the "C:\MSCDEX /D:ASPICD0 /M:12 /L:Dö line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT replacing the ôDö in ô/L:Dö with the appropriate drive letter.

Running NetWare 4.11 Installation the Program Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter:
1. Reboot the server and insert the ôNetWare 4.11 Operating System CDö into the CD-ROM drive. Move to the CD-ROM drive letter D: and type: INSTALL
2. Select the language you wish to install in and press Enter.
3. Read through the licensing terms, pressing Enter as necessary.
4. From the ôSelect the type of installation desiredö screen, select ôNetWare Server Installationö and press Enter.
5. From the ôSelect the Product Desiredö screen, select ôNetWare 4.11ö and press Enter.
6. Select ôCustom Installation of NetWare 4.11ö and press Enter.
7. If you are installing to a hard drive larger than 4 GB, you will receive the message ôThe size of the DOS partition is XXX MB. It should be at least 15 MB to continue with the installation. Highlight ôYesö and press Enter.
8. Enter the Server Name and press Enter.
9. Unless you have a specific method of setting internal IPX numbers, accept the default by pressing Enter.
10. Press Enter to accept default source and destination directories for installation, or F2 to specify a different source path or F4 to specify a different destination path. Server boot files will now be copied to the DOS partition.
11. Select a locale configuration for the server and press Enter.
12. You may add or delete any special startup set commands. To accept the given defaults, press Enter. If you choose to modify set commands, do so and press F10 to save and continue.
13. Specify whether or not to add commands to AUTOEXEC.BAT to load SERVER.EXE (automatically load NetWare upon server boot) and press Enter. The default is No. If you choose to add the commands, specify the path to AUTOEXEC.BAT and press Enter
14. If you intend on running this server with multiple processors, select ôYesö to install ôSMP NetWareö and press Enter. If you choose to install ôSMP NetWareö, choose ôMPS14.PSMö from the next screen and press Enter.
15. NetWare now scans for available disk controller drivers. You will receive the message ôInstall found the following hardware but was unable to find a matching driver: PCI Disk Controller 8086.7010.0000.0000.00ö (this is for the PC ServeRAID adapter). Press Enter to see a list of drivers, then Insert, then F3 to specify a different path for the appropriate driver Insert ôPC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette Version 2.23Aö and press Enter.
16. Press Enter when the IPSRAID.HAM driver is selected. You do not need to save any of the following driver files or modules which follow selection of IPSRAID.HAM.
17. You may now choose to add any additional Disk drivers in a similar manner to the above instructions if you have installed additional Disk controllers in the server.
18. NetWare now scans for available network card drivers. If the system selects the ôNovell Ethernet NE2100 (PCI)ö (this is for the Integrated 10/100 Ethernet adapter), accept it by pressing Enter.

NOTE: You may receive the message ôInstall found the following hardware but found more than one driver supporting this hardware: PCI.1022.2000.0000.0000.25.ö Press Enter to see a list of drivers, then select ôNovell Ethernet NE2100 (PCI)ö and press Enter.

19. Highlight ôSave parameters and continueö and Press Enter.
20. You may now install any additional network adapters in the above fashion by choosing Yes and pressing Enter, or select No and press Enter to continue with installation.
21. Select ôSelect additional or modify selected Disk/LAN driversö and press Enter. Highlight ôDisk and CD-ROM Driversö and press Enter.
22. If you are not using the Integrated Adaptec 2940U/W, highlight ôDeselect a selected driverö and press Enter. Highlight ôAIC7870.DSKö and press Enter.
23. If you are only using one or two channels of the PC ServeRAID II adapter, remove one or two instances of IPSRAID.HAM accordingly in the above manner to leave the number of instances equal to the number of channels you are using.
24. Continue installation from step 26 from ôRunning NetWare 4.11 Installation the Program Using the Integrated SCSI Controllerö from above.

Appendix B
Quick Install for Experienced Users:
1. Check voltage switch where applicable (some models are auto-sensing).
2. If using the integrated Adaptec controller, set the jumpers on the hard drive so it is set to SCSI ID 0 and active termination is enabled. If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter and intend to use it as the boot device, see Appendix A. If you intend to use an external DASD enclosure, refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper setup.
3. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQ's (or other system resources such as I/O ports or memory) reserved, go into the BIOS settings and choose 'Plug and Play' and then the desired resource type you wish to reserve. Change the desired resource from 'Plug and Play' to 'ISA Legacy'.
4. Install DOS remembering to use a DOS partition smaller than 2GB.
5. If you are using the Integrated SCSI Controller:
- Run ôDOSINSTö from the ôEZ-SCSI Diskette 2 OF 3 Version 4.01Lö to set up DOS CD-ROM support.

If you have added the PC ServeRAID II Adapter:
- Use the A:\DOS\UINSTALL utility from the from ôPC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette Version 2.23Aö to install the proper device and CD-ROM drivers for the PC ServeRAID II Adapter under DOS.
6. Run INSTALL from the NetWare 4.11 CD.
7. If you are using the integrated Adaptec controller, you may need to specify a slot number for the device. Use slot ô10001ö if you are using only the adapters the server shipped with.
8. If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter, use the IPSRAID.ADD driver from ôPC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette Version 2.23Aö instead of the one from the Neware 4.11 CD.
9. Use the ôNovell Ethernet NE2100 (PCI)ö driver for the integrated 10/100 Ethernet.
10. Install IntranetWare Support Pack v4.0.

Appendix C
Installing IntranetWare Support Pack v4.0
(an excerpt from IWSP4.TXT)
To install the IntranetWare Support Pack, complete these steps:

1. To explode the file, type (filename) Enter. Explode the file on the serverÆs volume SYS:, on another server volume, or on a local client that is using RCONSOLE to run the installation.
NOTE: This file contains directory paths that could exceed the DOS limits. The file must be extracted in a root level directory on your local drive or on a
NetWare volume which accepts longer paths.
2. At the server console prompt, type: LOAD INSTALL Press Enter.
3. Select "Product Options".
4. Select "Install a Product Not Listed".
5. Depending on where the IntranetWare Support Pack files are located, complete one of the following steps:

A. From the local volume SYS:, press F3 and specify the path, including the volume name (e.g., SYS:\(directory name).
B. From a different server on the network, press F3 and specify the full path including the server name (e.g., Server_Name\VOL1:\directory name). This step prompts for a login name and password for the other server.
C. From a local drive on a client using RCONSOLE, press F4.

6. Press Enter.
7. Press F10 to accept the marked options and continue.
8. After the files finish copying, the IntranetWare Support Pack installation is complete.
NOTE: Newer files already existing on the server will NOT be overwritten.
9. Please review the .NCF files for accuracy, then bring down the server and restart it to complete the installation of the IntranetWare Support Pack.
10. Press Enter to end.

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IBM PC Server

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PC Server 325

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PB0; PT0; PTW; RB0


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Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes