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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: COBN-385BZW

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2210 DC Cable - Connector Problem (US Only)

Applicable to: United States

The symptom is intermittent operational and diagnostic failures, which usually point to a defective system card. The cause is low +5 volts on the system card due to voltage drop across the connectors on the DC power cable where they connect the system card to the power supply. Evidence indicates that the connector contacts are being damaged in the process of connecting/disconnecting the cable from the card. Therefore, the problem will more likely occur on 2210s which have had a system card previously replaced.

Problem Isolation Aids:
The problem can be confirmed by measuring +5 volts on the WAN connectors on the system card and then on the power supply connector pins at the power supply end of the DC power cable. The voltage on the WAN connector should be no less than +4.90 VDC and should be within .01 VDC of the voltage measured at the power supply connector. Please note that the symptom may disappear when the 2210 cover is removed, so measure the voltage on the WAN connector before removing the 2210 cover. The slightest movement of the DC power cable connectors can cause the symptom (and voltage drop) to disappear, at least temporarily. If moving the DC power cable connectors cause the voltage at the WAN connector to vary more than .01 volts, the cable should be replaced. Although moving/re-seating the connectors appear to correct the problem the cable should be replaced anyway since the problem will likely reoccur.

If you find that there is voltage drop across the DC power cable connector(s), the cable should be replaced. If in doubt, replace the cable anyway. If the power supply voltage is less than 4.90 measured on the power supply pins at the power supply end of the DC power cable, the power supply should be replaced. When checking the power supply voltage, be sure the meter probes touch the pins coming out of the power supply since there could be voltage drop between the power supply pins and the mating connector pins on the DC power cable.

The following diagrams show the location of the +5 volt test point on the WAN and on power supply connectors.
WAN connector 1 or 2 PS connector
----------------------- -------------
+--------------------------------+ --+----+
13 o o o o o o o o o o o o o / 1 |1| o | +13v
26 o o o o o o o o o o o o o / 14 |2| o | +5v
+------|---|--------------+ |3| o | +5v
| | |4| o | ground

Replacement of cable as per prior instructions for isolation of problem.

Cable P/N74G0037 has a good and bad version. The GOOD cable is P/N74G0037 with EC E43857. You can also verify that is has an AMP connector.

New P/N 72H3623 has been submitted for the REL1 /REL2 cable but is not yet available. It is the same cable as the GOOD one described above but was created to eliminate the confusion of ordering the correct cable.

P/N13H8827 is the BAD cable.
P/N55H7511 is the GOOD cable (has pigtail & AMP connectors).
P/N55H7477 is NEW FRU # for GOOD cable.
REL3 has a mandatory EC E43996 (ECA005) which is being processed and expected to ship 8/01/96.

ECA005 EC DC 74G0037

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Miscellaneous, Cable

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55H7511; 13H8827


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