458.571 bytes

System Support Disks

Document ID: BBOD-3HJLJB

TP 380,385,560X/Z,600,770 - Audio Features for Windows NT

Applicable to: World-Wide


This package provides the audio driver for Windows NT users.

This diskette enables or updates the audio function of the following ThinkPad computers:
- ThinkPad 380, 380D, 380E, 380ED, 380XD and 380Z
- ThinkPad 385D, 385ED and 385XD
- ThinkPad 560X and 560Z
- ThinkPad 600, 600E
- ThinkPad 770, 770E, 770ED, 770X, 770Z

Windows NT 3.51 is only supported on the 380, 380D, 380E, 385D, 385ED, 770.


Name & Size (bytes)
aftprwnt.exe : 441083
aftprwnt.txt : 3077


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Disk Release Date:


Disk Version/Release:


Additional Information:

NOTE: This driver will now automatically extract to your hard drive. It will only extract under Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. The extraction process will NOT work with any other operating system.

Installation Guide

<Windows NT 3.51>
Check the current I/O resources for audio, such as the IRQ, DMA, and I/O address using ThinkPad Configuration before installing the audio support software.

1. Start Windows NT 3.51.
2. Extract the Audio Support for Windows NT onto the hard drive.
3. Go to Main.
4. Double-click on Control Panel and Drivers.
5. In the Install Driver window, click on Add... and select Unlisted or Updated Driver.
6. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\WNT\AUDIO\. Then click on 'OK' button. Then audio driver list appears.
7. Select the CrystalWare Audio driver and select OK.
A warning message appears on the screen and prompts you to restart Windows NT.
8. Click on the Do not Restart Now button.
9. Click on CrystalWare Audio driver; then click on the Setup button in the Drivers window.
10. Set the current I/O Resources setting for audio in your computer.
11. When the installation program prompts you, restart Windows NT to make the change effective.

<Windows NT 4.0>
1. Start Windows NT 4.0. Logon with administrative privilege.
2. Extract the Audio Support for Windows NT onto the hard drive.
Choose a directory for the files to be extracted to. The default path is C:\DRIVERS\WNT\AUDIO\.
3. If you already have a previous version of audio installed you must first remove it.
Double-click on the Multimedia in the Control panel. The Multimedia Properties window appears.
Expand Audio Devices
Select Audio for CrystalWare(TM)
Select the Remove button at the bottom of the window
Reboot your system when prompt.
4. Again double-click on the Multimedia in the Control panel. The Multimedia Properties window appears.
5. Click on the Devices tab and then on the Add button.
6. Select Unlisted or Updated Drivers, and press OK button.
7. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted.
Default path is C:\DRIVERS\WNT\AUDIO\.
Then click on 'OK' button. Then audio driver list appears.
8. Select it and click on OK.

Windows NT may report that any of the driver files are already present in the system. Please select the NEW button to ensure a complete installation.

9. CrystalWare Configuration Panel may be displayed. Press OK button.
10. When installation program prompts you, restart Windows NT to make the
change effective.

Summary of Changes
Where: <n.nn> Package version (for example, 1.00 means Version 1.00)
(New) New function or enhancement
(Fix) Correction to existing function

- (New) Support for ThinkPad 380, 380D, 385D, 380E, 380ED, and 385ED.
- (New) Support for ThinkPad 770.
- (New) Support for ThinkPad 380Z, 560Z, 600, 770E, and 770ED.
- (New) Support for SRS 3D Sound
- (New) Support for ThinkPad 770X, and 600E.
- (Fix) When uninstalling, system will hang.
- (Fix) Sound is played when resume from suspend after pause video clip.
- (New) Support for ThinkPad 770Z.
- (Fix) Dial-tone doesn't ring
- (Fix) Machine is not booting after connecting to Midi port


* IBM and ThinkPad are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.
* Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Other company, product, and service names may be registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of others.

Search Keywords

Disk Category

Audio, Windows NT

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 380D, ThinkPad 380E, ThinkPad 380ED, ThinkPad 380XD, ThinkPad 380Z, ThinkPad 385D, ThinkPad 385E, ThinkPad 385ED, ThinkPad 385XD, ThinkPad 560X, ThinkPad 560Z, ThinkPad 600, ThinkPad 600E, ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED, ThinkPad 770X, ThinkPad 770Z

Machine Type

2635, 2636, 2640, 2641, 2645, 2646, 9548, 9549, 9544




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