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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3NTQCZ

Server Options - Installing the Advanced Systems Management Adapter

Applicable to: World-Wide

Tips for Basic Configuration:

You can create the Advanced Systems Management Adapter monitoring diskette from the ServerGuide Diskette Factory under 'Extras'.

External Power Controller:
1. Connect the external Power Controller BEFORE attempting to flash the ASMA adapter (does not apply to IBM PC SERVER 330 / 325 and Netfinity 7000).
2. Push reset Button on External Power Controller BEFORE attempting to flash the ASMA adapter (does not apply to IBM PC SERVER 330 / 325 and Netfinity7000).

After booting with the Flash/Update Utility Diskette, complete ALL of the steps below:
1. CONFIGURE SERVICE PROCESSOR- Select an unused Port and Interrupt.
3. Select SET UP COM PORTS. Disable COM ports A and B.
4. Reboot
5. Install DEVICE DRIVERS- locate the appropriate directory on the flash diskette for your operating system, run setup, and reboot.
6. Look at the ASMA adapter. If light on LED panel is not blinking, one of the above steps is not done, or card is not properly installed.

After Installing the Netfinity Service Processor Service on the Machine WITH the ASMA adapter:
1. Open the Netfinity Service Processor Service. Double click on the Configuration Settings Icon to open the Configuration Settings.
2. CHECK the Dial-in Enabled Checkbox.
3. CHECK Own Port When Booted Checkbox.
4. Enter a LOGIN ID.
5. Enter A PASSWORD.
6. Null Modem Checkbox should NOT be checked (Automatic Dial-out Settings)
7. All changes should be followed by clicking the APPLY button. Otherwise, changes will NOT be saved.

Modem and Cable:
1. Serial Cable must be plugged into the ASMA adapter's 9-pin connector located closest to the card's retaining screw.
2. Plug Modem In and Power it on.
3. Look for the Auto Answer light on the modem. If it is not lit, re-check the above steps.

After Installing the Netfinity Service Processor Service on the Managing Machine, from which you intend to dial:
1. Use Netfinity SERIAL CONTROL to set the destination number, Login ID, and Password. These must match the Login ID and Password you set on the ASMA adapter EXACTLY.
2. Select your MANAGING MACHINE's modem type from the supplied list in Netfinity's SERIAL CONTROL.
3. Apply all changes.
4. If you are using Win95, NT3.51, or NT4.0, you should reboot at this point to be certain that the changes have taken effect.
5. Use the Netfinity SERVICE PROCESSOR service to dial out to your ASMA adapter. The Netfinity Serial Control service will NOT connect to ASMA adapter.

Search Keywords

Netfinity, 7000, Server, ASMA, advanced, system, management, install

Hint Category

Advanced Systems Management

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 7000, PC Server 315, PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 520, PC Server 704

Machine Type

8651, 8638, 8640, 8639, 8641, 8650




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