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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-44LL6R

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TP 390/172x - PC Cards may have difficulty functioning

Applicable to: World-Wide

Some of the ThinkPad 390/172x PC Card connectors have worked its way loose after manufacturing assembly or due to vibration when shipped to customers.

The instructions in the SYMPTOM section should also be observed when changing the PC Card housing during a repair to prevent inducing a problem.

A loose PCMCIA slot will cause:
1. Possible crackling sounds from speakers when the PC Card is in use or inserted.

2. An inability to use one or both PC Card slots on the Thinkpad unit.


Reseat the PCMCIA unit in the machine. Remove the four (4) screws that hold the PC Card slots in place, then remove and reseat the PC Card slots. After the PC Card slots have been reseated, install the four screws and alter the torque (tighten in a staggered fashion) of the screws to ensure the slots maintain its alignment.

Before replacing the heat sink above the PCMCIA housing, verify that the housing connector is still seated properly. Press down on the connector to make sure that it did not come loose when the system was turned over.

Instructions to remove the PCMCIA Slots are in the IBM Mobile System "Thinkpad 390/i Series 1700 (2626, 2627) Hardware Maintenance Manual". Part number S10L-9626-01, December 1998.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 390, ThinkPad 390E, ThinkPad i Series 172x

Machine Type

2626, 2627




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