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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-436QZE

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Oracle Parallel Server - Oracle client sessions can no longer connect to one of the nodes

Applicable to: World-Wide

Client sessions can no longer connect to one of the nodes in the database, and/or the some rows/tables cannot be accessed from the other nodes. The node to which the client sessions can no longer connect cannot see the shared storage when viewing the drives with the NT Disk Administrator. This node had been up and running OK -- this scenario has occurred without rebooting this node.

A hardware failure may have occurred preventing access to the shared storage on this node. If this has occurred, the database instance on this node may behave in one of three ways:

1) The database instance terminates. This node is evicted from the cluster.
2) The database instance terminates, but not completely. The ORACLE80.EXE process is still running. This node is evicted from the cluster.
3) The database instance does not terminate. This node is not evicted from the cluster.

In all cases, provided the client application is written properly, the clients will failover from the node that can no longer communicate with the shared storage. In the first case, no problems will occur. In the second case, the ORACLE80.EXE process may continue to use up CPU and memory on this node, but the clients should not see a problem. In the third case, the clients will not be able to access certain rows or tables in the database (the ones that they had been working with on the failed node prior to its failure).

None is required in the first case. In the second and third cases, the OracleServiceOPSn should be stopped with the "net stop" command or the Services applet in the control panel. If this does not work, the ORACLE80.EXE process should be terminated with the NT Task Manager.

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Oracle Parallel Server

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IBM PC Server

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