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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38JGJQ

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TP 360,755C/CS PCMCIA Memory Restriction

Applicable to: World-Wide

Using some areas of upper memory for PCMCIA card allocation give unreliable results.

Poblem Isolation Guidance:
None. Symptoms vary.

Do not specify the memory range within C0000-C0FFFh or D0000-D0FFF for PCMCIA PC cards.

The ranges noted above must not be assigned for use by PCMCIA PC card with the /MA parameter in the DICRMU01.SYS command in CONFIG.SYS. The /MA parameter is the Memory Allocation parameter and defines the memory that is available for use by PCMCIA PC cards. The available ranges are as follows: C1000-CFFFF and D1000-DFFFFh.
Example :-
Memory Map :-
The C and D block are 64K. The restricted range is the first 4k of the C and the D block (C0000-C0FFF is 4k of memory).
1. The memory ranges for PCMCIA PC cards specified in configuration files such as PROTOCOL.INI or NET.CFG must not be defined within the restricted ranges (They can only be set to a sub-set of the memory specified in the /MA of DICRMU01.SYS anyway).
2. The restricted ranges must not be used by point enablers (drivers that enable PCMCIA PC cards without using card and socket services).
3. Other options and software EMS are not affected by this restriction it only applies to PCMCIA PC card memory allocation.
4. When using 8K of Token Ring shared RAM and Memory Mapped I/O it should be allocated on 8k boundary addresses. When using 16K of Ethernet shared RAM the memory allocated should be on a 16k boundary address. C1000 and D1000 are not 8k or 16k boundary addresses (they are 4K boundary addresses). This means instead of moving 8K of shared RAM from D0000 up to D1000 to avoid the restricted area, it would have to be moved up to the nearest 8K boundary address - D2000.
5. There is a leaflet shipped with the 755 and 360 describing this limitation so customers should be aware. Also the default MA parameter on preloaded systems is C800-CFFF and there is now a note in CONFIG.SYS saying not to use the restricted area.
6. If you install OS/2 PCMCIA support from the latest level Utlity Diskette the install program will automatically leave out the restricted ranges.
Example :-

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Memory, PCMCIA (PC Card)

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 360, ThinkPad 755C/CS

Machine Type

2620, 9545




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