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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MMER-3YBK8A

IBM PC 300PL (Type 6862, 6892) - ClientCare, Client Manager, SMT configuration tips

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following are usage tips when installing, uninstalling, and running IBM ClientCare, IBM LANDesk Client Manager, and other IBM System Management Tools (SMT) on IBM Commercial Desktop and IntelliStation Systems.

In general, it is recommended that when configuring a new client system, System Management Tools should be installed after all other necessary applications have been installed and configured.

ClientCare help files missing in non-English preloads
After starting the ClientCare/DMI browser and selecting "Help," the system displays error message "Aide de Windows" and indicates that file "fraLDXX.hlp" is missing. Translated versions of the help text are not available for this product. As a workaround, the user can elect to search for help files and select "enuLDXX.hlp" to display the English version of the help text.

ClientCare installation error message 401
While installing ClientCare, if the user elects to backup to the "Welcome to DMI Services Provider 2.0 Installation" window, and then proceed again with the installation, they are presented with the following error message:

"Setup string variable is not large enough for string. Check the string declarations."

Ignoring the error and clicking on "OK" will allow the installation to proceed normally. No additional data is written to, or deleted from the hard drive.

ClientCare returns error during uninstall
After running "Uninstall LANDesk Client Manager 3.1" from the INTEL LANDesk Management folder and restarting the system, the following error is returned each time the system is restarted: "Cannot Open I2c Device"

If LANDesk Client Manager is uninstalled before IBM ClientCare, IBM ClientCare may not be completely uninstalled, resulting in error messages. The error condition can be corrected by removing the following registry key:


LANDesk Client Manager does not completely uninstall
After running "Uninstall LANDesk Client Manager 3.1" from the LANDesk Management folder, the LANDesk Management folder is still present on the Start, Programs menu. The remaining folder can be removed manually via the Start, Settings, Task Bar menu.

"IBM CD-ROM cannot quit" error message
After completing the installation of ClientCare, and prior to being prompted to "Restart the Computer," the error message "IBM CD ROM CANNOT QUIT" appears on the display. Clicking "Ok" does not clear the message. To clear the error message, press Ctrl-Alt-Del. From the Close Program window, select "IBM CD ROM CANNOT QUIT" and click "End Task."

System hangs during installation of IBM Client Care and LANDesk Client Manager
a. The system hangs at the DOS screen titled:
start/m C:\windows\Temp\ _ISTMPO.DIR\INSTMIF.BAT

b. Hangs at 90% of the installation of IBM DMI component instrumentation.

c. Client Care setup is very slow.

If the system hangs during the setup of ClientCare, bring up the Task Manager and stop the installation of ClientCare by selecting EndTask. Check the Windows Add/Remove programs and uninstall ClientCare if necessary. Reboot the system. Reinstall ClientCare from the Welcome Center without selecting other applications for installation.

System hangs after installing LDCM and System Management Tools (SMT)
After installing Systems Management Tools followed by LDCM, a "No Services Available" error message is returned when starting Netfinity Service Manager. The error condition is corrected by uninstalling SMT followed by reinstalling LCDM. Systems Management Tools should be installed after installing LDCM and Netfinity.

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D/T6862 D/T6892 6862 6892
CMVC94808 CMVC95216 D/T6862 D/T6892

Search Keywords

Document Category

Retain, System Administration Tools

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 300PL

Machine Type

6862, 6892




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