5.901 bytes

Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3G5RVB

Aptiva - Errors using mail merge in Microsoft Word 7.0

Applicable to: United States

Microsoft Word 7.0, when installed, will hang after the following events: Choose Tools, Choose mail merge, choose create, choose mailing labels, choose active window.

When operation described above an Illegal Operation will Occur.
Details says: WINWORD caused an invalid page fault in module <unknown> at 0000:81537e10.
EAX=00000000 CS=0137 EIP=81537e10 EFLGS=00010282
EBX=00000000 SS=013f ESP=0062e6c4 EBP=0062e860
ECX=80090ac0 DS=013f ESI=00000000 FS=2f3f
EDX=800a0e68 ES=013f EDI=10000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
d0 95 53 81 57 53 5c 53 59 53 54 45 4d 5c 4f 44
Stack dump:
00000000 0062ea02 00400768 5035f208 5008166e
00000010 5035f208 0062eeac 5035f208 00000008
63694d0e 6f736f72 57207466 0064726f 79202cad

Subsequent errors are:

WINWORD caused an invalid page fault in module ODBC32.DLL at 0137:10000005.
EAX=00000001 CS=0137 EIP=10000005 EFLGS=00010282
EBX=81537de4 SS=013f ESP=0062e6ac EBP=0062e85b
ECX=c104074c DS=013f ESI=bff7b9b5 FS=2f3f
EDX=8153322c ES=013f EDI=10000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 b8 00 00 00 00
Stack dump:
81537de4 00000000 00000474 81537de4 c104074c
c104074c 00000000 0062ea02 00400768 5035f208
5008166e 00000010 5035f208 0062eeac 5035f208

The solution is to erase the file ODBC32.DLL from the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and replace it with the more up-to-date version dated 9-27-95 with bytes totaling 64,512 from the MS Office Pro CD pack into it's original location. The original (older) version, dated 03-03-1995 and is 12,800 bytes long.

On the CD this will be in the path: x:\OS\SYSTEM\ x=your CD ROM Drive letter.

On the hard drive the path will be: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\

Microsoft Corporation indicated versions from 7-20-95 with 63KB and later should solve this problem.


This file is very similar to old OLE -Object Linking and Embedding DLL's of Window's 3.11 days. This file will be utilized when importing databases such as MS Access, DBASE, FoxPro, Excel,, and other applications which utilize Dynamic Data Exchange ( DDE .) Other uses also include some help files. ODBC stands for Open DataBase Connectivity.

Documents in order of importance:
Microsoft TechNet CD:


Search Keywords

Windows 95

Hint Category

Windows 95, Productivity Software, Non-IBM Hardware/Software, Error Messages

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2134, 2144, 2159, 2162, 2168, 2176


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