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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NJPYW

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TP 380,385 - CD-ROM installation test correction (EMEA Only)

Applicable to: EMEA


The Options by IBM ThinkPad 380/385 8X CD-ROM Drive Upgrade Kit documentation requires a change to the CD-ROM test procedure on page 3-20. Step 5 incorrectly states the following: "The Tool icon appears in the upper right corner of the menu." This does not occur during the Model 380 / 385 Easy Setup test procedure.

A corrected CD-ROM test is listed below. Use this to correct the Customer's User's Guide and run the test.

Doing The CD-ROM Test

NOTE 1: The TrackPoint III, cursor move (arrow) keys or tab key can be used to highlight an Easy Setup action. The Enter Key or left mouse button can then be used to select the Action.

NOTE 2: A CD-ROM disk is required for the Advanced Diagnostic test. It is NOT required for the standard CD-ROM test.

1. Attach the AC Adapter to the computer. Press and hold the "F1" key while turning the computer on. Continue to hold downt he "F1" key until the Easy-Setup screen appears.

2. Select the "Test" icon and press the "Enter" key or press the left TrackPoint III button. A list of items (icons and names) will appear.

3. Highlight the CD-ROM test icon and press the "Enter" key. A test progress screen appears and the term "OK" will appear under the CD-ROM icon if the test completes with out error. If a failure occurs an error code and FRU call out number will appear.

4. To start the Advanced Diagnostic test press and hold the "Ctrl" key while pressing the "A" key.

5. The ThinkPad FRU Connections screen appears. If a "Not Connected" message appears next to the CD-ROM, ensure the CD-ROM drive is properly connected. To do this reseat the drive.

6. Click the "Exit" block or press the "Esc" key to exit the screen.

7. The Keyboard test screen now appears. Test the keyboard by pressing each key or exit the screen by clicking on the "Exit" block or by pressing and holding the "Ctrl" key while pressing the "Pause" key.

8. To start the CD-ROM advanced diagnostic from the screen select the CD-ROM icon and press the "Enter" key or click on the CD-ROM icon with the left mouse button. Follow the detailed instructions that appear on the screen. (A CD-ROM Disk will be needed to complete this test.) When the test is finished an "OK" or an error code will be displayed under the CD-ROM icon.

10.Select "Test All" to ensure all devices operate correctly after the Upgrade.

NOTE: If an error occurs during any of the tests follow the problem determination steps in your system documentation to resolve the issue.

You have finished installing the 8X CD-ROM Drive Upgrade Option.

11.Return the ThinkPad, CD-ROM User's Guide and the above page 3-20 corrections to the customer.

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CD-ROM Drives

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 380, ThinkPad 380E, ThinkPad 385E

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