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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-45LQFU

Smart Card Security Kit - Uninstall instructions

Applicable to: World-Wide

Note: Before uininstalling the software, be sure to decrypt all encrypted files.

Uninstalling the user software removes the SmartCard Security Kit software from your computer. It also removes references to your SmartCard Security Kit files in the Windows registry and other locations. If you are sharing use of the SmartCard Security Kit with other users on this machine, there might be encrypted files that cannot be decrypted during uninstall or after uninstall. Therefore, be sure that the other users decrypt their encrypted files before you begin uninstalling.

Using the instructions below, uninstall the software programs in the following order:

  1. SmartCard Security Kit
  2. SmartCard Security Kit Administrator
  3. Microsoft SmartCard Base Components
  4. SmartCard Security Kit device driver

To uninstall SmartCard Security Kit, SmartCard Security Kit Administrator, and Microsoft SmartCard Base Components, use the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Desktop.
  2. Close any SmartCard Security Kit open windows.
  3. Exit Windows Explorer and other applications.
  4. Click Start; then select Settings.
  5. Click Control Panel, then double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs Properties dialog box will display.
  6. Select the name of the program (e.g. SmartCard Security Kit) to uninstall from the Install/Uninstall program list, and click Add/Remove.
  7. Click Yes or press Enter to confirm the removal of the program. The Windows uninstallation utility program will prompt you to find all encrypted files using the Find program. You must click Find to continue with the uninstallation. You should decrypt all files before proceeding with the uninstallation.
  8. Click Yes To All to proceed with the uninstallation.
  9. Click OK or press Enter in the confirmation dialog box.
  10. Click OK or press Enter in the uninstall dialog box to reboot your machine and complete the uninstallation.

To uninstall the device driver:

  1. Insert the SmartCard Security Kit CD into the CD-ROM drive.
  2. Find your CD directory using Windows Explorer.
  3. Double-click the Data folder.
  4. Double-click the Gemplus folder.
  5. Double-click the Drivers folder.
  6. Double-click the GPR400 folder.
  7. Double-click the Uninst.exe file.
  8. Windows will uninstall the device driver.

To remove the GemPlus Smart Card Reader icon in the Control panel:

  1. Go to Windows Explorer
  2. Delete the GSCR.cpi file from the c:\Windows\System directory.

  1. If you have additional questions, or are having trouble using or installing your Smart Card, please open the User.pdf file in the Manuals folder on the CD. For help with common problems, refer to "Section 10: Troubleshooting" in that manual. If further assistance is required, turn to the Help and Service section in the hard-copy Quick Reference Manual for a list of technical support contacts.

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Hardware Installation/Configuration, Security

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