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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3A3DXJ

Servers - False DDD errors when running Netfinity

Applicable to: World-Wide

False DDD errors while running TME 10 Netfinity

A hard drive becomes defunct (DDD). The RAIDADM utility Drive Information/Drive Error count shows 48 errors or the TME 10 Netfinity RAID Manager Timeout Error count shows 48 errors.

Problem Isolation Aids
All of the following must be true for this tip to apply:
- TME 10 Netfinity 4.0 or earlier is running on the Server.
- The Server has an IBM PCI Fast/Wide Streaming RAID adapter (FRU p/n06H5078) or an IBM MicroChannel Fast/Wide Streaming adapter (FRU p/n92F0335 or FRU p/n06H3059).
- The following hard drives are attached to the RAID adapter:
1GB FRU p/n06H8560 (Option p/n94G2649)
2GB FRU p/n06H8561 (Option p/n94G2650)
4GB FRU p/n06H8562 (Option p/n94G2651)

This fix is only for Servers with TME 10 Netfinity V4.0. If the Server does not have TME 10 Netfinity V4.0, then it must first be upgraded to V4.0. Then the fix can be applied.

Follow this procedure:
1. Obtain TMEDDD.EXE and expand the image onto a blank diskette using the command: TMEDDD A:

2. Upgrade to TME 10 Netfinity V4.0 if necessary.

3. Shutdown TME 10 Netfinity 4.0:
a. For OS/2: At a command line type: NETFBASE SHUTDOWN
b. For Windows NT: At the Windows Control Panel, select Services, then select TME 10 Netfinity Support Program and select STOP.
c. For NetWare: At the console type: unload NETFBASE.NLM

4. Copy the appropriate Operating System specific files from the TMEDDD.EXE diskette to the system's \Netfin subdirectory.

5. Restart TME 10 Netfinity 4.0:
a. For OS/2: At a command line type: NETFBASE START
b. For Windows NT: At the Windows Control Panel, select Services, then select TME 10 Netfinity Support Program and select START.
c. For NetWare: At the console type: load NETFBASE.NLM

Diskette images are customer installable. Customers should review any "README" files located on the diskette for installation information.

SAS Keywords:
PSY2, PSY2FDISK, SCSI, SCSI-2, ARRAY, D/T9595, D/T9595A, D/T8640, D/T8642, D/T3516, 9595A, D/T3517, D/T3518, 06H8560, 06H8561, 06H8562, 94G2649, 94G2650, 94G2651, 06H5078, 92F0335, 06H3059

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Netfinity Manager

Date Created


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Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 300, PC Server 320, PC Server 330, PC Server 500, PC Server 720, Rack/Storage Enclosures, Server 95, Systems Management

Machine Type

8640, 8641, 8642, 3516, 3517, 3518, 9595, Various



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