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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NGM2M

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TP 530CS - Windows 95 Beta Program

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
7. ThinkPad 530CS system (Available only in Japan)
7.1. Install and setup Windows 95 on ThinkPad
The installation and setup procedure of Windows 95 on ThinkPad 530Cs is very similar to ThinkPad 755CE. This section often refers to the information in "Section 5. ThinkPad 755CE/CD/CX/CV systems". To access this document, double click on the following icon :- .

7.1.1. During Windows 95 installation
You may encounter "Unknown Hardware Found" messages when you install Windows 95 beta code. In these cases, select "Do not install a driver (Windows will not prompt you again)". By doing this, you will see "Unknown Device"s under "Other devices" in Windows 95 Device Manager. If you want to see those device names in Device Manager, refer to "Unknown Hardware" problem in Section 5.2.

During the Windows 95 installation, you are asked if you want to make a startup diskette for emergency use. It is strongly recommended to attach the external floppy disk drive to ThinkPad 530CS when you install Windows 95 beta. Without the floppy drive, you might experience an inactive period for about two minutes during Windows 95 installation. This is not a system hang. However, you need to attach the external floppy drive to avoid this symptom.

7.1.2. Video device drivers
The video device driver for ThinkPad 530CS systems is included in Windows 95 and it is automatically installed by Windows 95
Setup program. You don't need ThinkPad Windows video device driver any longer.
<Verifying Windows 95 device driver setup for ThinkPad 530CS>
1. After installing or set up Windows 95 on your ThinkPad; click "My Computer".
2. Click "Control Panel"; Click "Display"; Click on "Setting" tab.
3. Click "Change Display Type..." button.
4. Make sure that Adapter Type is "Cirrus Logic".

7.1.3. ThinkPad Features Program
For ThinkPad Features Program setup on ThinkPad 530CS with Windows 95 Beta, refer to "Section 5.1.3. ThinkPad Features Program".

7.1.4. PCMCIA Device driver
For PCMCIA device driver setup on ThinkPad 530CS with Windows 95 Beta, refer to "Section 5.1.4. PCMCIA Device driver".

7.1.5. Mwave support software
For Mwave support software setup on ThinkPad 530CS with Windows 95 Beta, refer to "Section 5.1.6. Mwave support software".

7.1.6. Infrared Device Driver
For Infrared device driver setup on ThinkPad 530CS with Windows 95 Beta, refer to "Section 5.1.7. Infrared Device driver".

7.2. Known limitations and problems with Windows 95 beta program
Power management limitations with PC cards
When you inserted a PC card into PCMCIA slots of ThinkPad, the suspend function currently has the following limitations.
- When the system is power by AC, ThinkPad doesn't enter full suspend and enters standby mode.
- When the system is power by battery, ThinkPad always enter suspend mode regardless of the PC card status. You may lose the connection if your PC card is a network card or modem.
No Ring indicator supported by Windows 95 PCMCIA support
Windows 95 PCMCIA support software does not support the ring indicator of PCMCIA modem cards. Therefore, you cannot use ring indications by PCMCIA modems even if it's support by cards.
Windows 95 logo screen becomes brown
Upon Windows 95 boot, its logo screen background becomes brown. This is normal and everything works fine after Windows 95 desktop screen appears.
Mwave doesn't function when the ThinkPad has more than 16MB of memory This is a known Mwave driver problem and you can get the fix for this. To obtain this patch, double click on the following icon :- . The installation instructions are available in README file in this patch package.
Problem with disabling Infrared port
The problem typically occurs when you have reassigned the IRQ for the disabled infrared port to one of the IRQs used by Mwave or any other device whose virtual device driver requires exclusive use of its IRQ. If you have such a virtual device driver, it will fail to load during startup. This is not a problem if the IR port's IRQ is used by a device driver that can share the IRQ, including the standard COM port driver.
To fix this problem, you need to get "ThinkPad Infrared driver patch to fix an IRQ problem". To obtain this driver, double click on the following icon :- . The installation instructions are available in the package.
Suspend problem with Multimedia applications
It is not recommended to suspend the ThinkPad when you are playing video clips, audio files, or MIDI files by Windows 95 Media Player or other Multimedia applications. Your system may encounter some problems upon system resume.
Intermittent hibernation fail
ThinkPad 530Cs may not enter the hibernation mode with Windows 95 once in a while.
Windows 95 Taskbar may disappear when CRT is attached
Windows 95 Taskbar may disappear when you attach an external CRT monitor to ThinkPad 530Cs and suspend the system.
"Unknown Hardware" problem
If you want to fix this problem, you first need to modify a Win95 information file in a hidden directory. If you are not familiar with Windows 95 beta or you are a non-experienced PC / Windows user, it's not recommended to do the following. Unexpected results may occur if you cannot follow the instructions correctly. In addition, your Windows 95 beta code may have already included the correct device information of ThinkPad. It depends on which revision of Windows 95 beta you are using.
1. Go to MS-DOS Prompt
2. Type "CD INF" and press Enter to go to the subdirectory C:\WINDOWS\INF. (Note that C:\WINDOWS\INF is a hidden directory)
3. Back up NODRIVER.INF. Type "COPY NODRIVER.INF NODRIVER.BAK". These *.INF files are very important for Windows 95 Device Manager and you need to save the original one.
4. Edit NODRIVER.INF. Type "EDIT NODRIVER.INF" and press Enter.
5. Search [Manufacturer] section; Find the following statement.


If you can find it, go to the next step. Otherwise, add this statement in [Manufacturer] section.
6. Search [IBM] section; if you don't find it, add [IBM] section somewhere between [Manufacturer] and [NODRIVER] section; find the following statement(s).
(Note: xxxx of *IBMxxxx is a four digit number).

Modify (or add) the statement(s) in this section as follows.


7. Search [String] section; find 'IBMMfg="IBM"' statement; after this line, find the following statement.

*IBMxxxx.DeviceDesc="yyyyyy" (xxxx is a four digit number yyyyyy is a device name )

Modify (or add) the statement(s) in this section as follows. (Note: IBM0050 and IBM36F1 is for ThinkPad 755 CD-ROM models only.)

*IBM00E0.DeviceDesc="ThinkPad Mwave DSP"
*IBM00F2.DeviceDesc="Mwave Sound Blaster Support Device"

8. Save the modified NODRIVER.INF file. And exit MS-DOS prompt. Next, you need to remove "Unknown Device" (or "Mwave DSP") from Device Manager. Then need to refresh the hardware structure.
9. Click "My Computer"
10. Click "Control Panel"
11. Click "System"
12. Click on "Device Manager" tab
13. Click "+" mark of "Other devices"; you see "Unknown Device" (or "Mwave DSP processor").
14. Click on "Unknown Device" (or "Mwave DSP") and click "Remove" button; click "OK" to confirm.
15. Click "Refresh" button; Windows 95 will restructure the device tree in "Device Manager" and you now should see correct device names under "Other detected devices".

If you encounter any unexpected results by doing the above, you might have failed to modify your NODRIVER.INF file correctly. You should recover your original NODRIVER.INF from NODRIVER.BAK which you've saved. Rename NODRIVER.BAK to NODRIVER.INF and do the above steps again, if you desired.

FaxWorks Voice problems
FaxWorks Voice, which is one of the preinstalled applications, has the following problems under Windows 95 beta.
- Telephone Icon is not displayed properly. The FaxWorks telephone icon is not displayed properly as it is in Windows 3.x. When you start one of FaxWorks Voice functions such as Call Center, the telephone icon is displayed over the program name of title bar. Once you minimize Call Center, the telephone icon disappears from the title bar but some garbage might remain on the Windows 95 desktop screen. This cosmetic problem doesn't affect the actual functions of FaxWorks Voice.
- When you close the windows of FaxWorks Voice fax viewing, the system may encounter a problem and you might have to reboot the system.
- If you have any problem related to sending/receiving fax by FaxWorks Voice, check the following.
1. Click "My Computer"; click "Printers"; double click "FaxWorks Printer Driver (FX-WORKS)".
2. Click on "Details" tab; verify that MWV is selected in "Print to the following port". Windows 95 beta might show "MWV (Unknown local port)" but it is normal.
Tranxit infrared file transfer application problem
Tranxit, which is one of the preinstalled applications, has the following problem under Windows 95 beta.
- The high speed mode of IBM ThinkPad Infrared connection cannot be used when you connect two ThinkPad systems and Windows 95
95 beta is installed on both of them. The fixed and variable speed modes can be used. To change the transfer mode;
1. Select "Connection" on Tranxit menu bar; select "Setup..."
2. Verify that "Infrared" is selected in "Connection Type"; click "Change Connection settings..."
3. Select "Fixed" or "Variable" in "Infrared device mode".

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IBM ThinkPad

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