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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3C3MBQ

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TP General - PCMCIA drivers using Drive Letters

Applicable to: World-Wide

Subject :
Reminder.Drive Letters not avail-check drivers being loaded

Several problems are listed below having problems finding drives. In each of the cases, the problems were caused by loading drivers that by their purpose tie up drive letters:
PAWATA.SYS for pcmcia ATA Hard drives
RAMDRV.SYS for virtual RAM Drives
DISKDRV.SYS another pcmcia ATA Hard drive

Customer had a 760el in a dockII with the token ring pcmcia adapter installed in the docking station and was able to attach to the network, but not able to find his drive g. The driver pawata loaded in the config.sys, a pcmcia driver, uses some specific drives, in this case d,e,g,h, that possibly won't allow cust to attach to a drive. This driver is actually for a pcmcia hard drive--and if there isn't one it is not needed. By remming this out cust was able to use drive g.

PAWATA.SYS are the new PLUG'N'PLAY PCMCIA drivers and will create the same NETWORK problems DISKDRV.SYS and RAMDRV.SYS do.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760CD

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