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Service Publications

Document ID: SCOD-3ZVQ5W

Servers - Paper Configurator Guide

Applicable to: World-Wide

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USSPC.PDF Server Paper Configurator for May 1999

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WWSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant world wide.

USSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant to the United States.

EMEASPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant to countries in Europe, Middl eEast, and Africa.

APSPC Server Paper Configurator Guide contains data relevant countries in Asia Pacific.

This document provides information on currently marketed IBM Netfinity and IBM PC Server systems and selected options. It provides pre-selected combinations of memory and hard disk storage along with prerequisite part numbers in order to speed election and configuration of most basic configurations. A major benefit of this aid is having all the selected part numbers in one place for quick refer ence.


TThis publication (Servers - Paper Configurator Guide) is now downloadable from the URL above. The file is in Adobe .PDF format, to view these files you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, or have the Acroread plugin for your Web Browser

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IBM PC Server, IBM Options

Product Family

Netfinity 3000, Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 5500, Netfinity 7000, PC Server 300, PC Server 310, PC Server 315, PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 500, PC Server 520, PC Server 704, PC Server 720, Server 85, Server 95, Netfinity 5000, Netfinity 7000 M10, Netfinity 5500 M10, Rack/Storage Enclosures, Netfinity 5500 M20, Netfinity 1000

Machine Type

8476, 8644, 8660, 8640, 8639, 8638, 8641, 8650, 8642, 3516, 3517, 3518, 3520, 9306, 9585, 8595, 9595, 8651, 3519, 3527, 8659, 8680, 8661, 8662, 8477




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