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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3AFL5E

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IBM ValuePoint - HP 100Mbit ethernet cards fail to configure

Applicable to: World-Wide

Problem :
The customer is trying to install an HP 100mbit ethernet card in a 6381 and configure the card with its setup utility software. The customer runs the configuration software and sets the card for its I/O address and IRQ level and then saves these settings. The software has a verification test to make sure the card is setup correctly. When this runs, the software does not recognize the card as being in the system and will not allow the user to reconfigure the card.

Other machines that could be affected :
All VP Si/Di machines that have the HP 100mbit ethernet card installed and not using riser FRU 88G4178 (final assembly number 88G4177). Other riser cards that could be affected are final assembly numbers 52G7089, 81F8869, 65G8644, 88G4219, or 88G4220. Even though some of these have filtering for a reset problem, they were not tested for the HP 100mbit card problem, and it is recommended that if you have one of these cards and are experiencing the problem to install the riser card FRU 88G4178.

Cause :
The customer's 6381 machines were installed with riser cards (Final Assembly No. 52G7098) that do not have the updated filtering on the reset line. With the HP 100 ethernet cards installed in the systems, there is noise on the reset line to the adapter card which the card amplifies and results in a false reset. When the setup utility software is run to configure the card's I/O address and IRQ level, a false reset occurs and causes incorrect data to be written to an EEPROM on the card. This EEPROM is read later by the configuration software in order to verify the card's setup. The software is expecting to read certain configuration data, and since the data was written incorrectly the software does not recognize the card and cannot complete the configuration.

Fix :
Have customer install latest level of the riser card (FRU 88G4178, Final Assembly No. 88G4177) that has the filtering for reset line problems. The HP 100Mbit card is to go into the top slot of the riser card.

Problem Isolation Aids :
If you have installed the HP 100Mbit ethernet card and have a riser card other than FRU 88G4178 and cannot configure the ethernet card then install the aforementioned riser card and place the HP 100Mbit card in the top slot.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Non-IBM Hardware/Software

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