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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3TQK9L

PC Server 300/310 - Installing Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0

Applicable to: World-Wide

This document provides installation procedures for installing Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 on the IBM PC Server 300 and IBM PC Server 310.

1. Verify all hardware in the machine.
2. Register all memory and adapters in the Reference diskette if you are using a Micro Channel machine or in the Configuration Utility diskette if you are using an EISA machine.
3. Verify that you have the latest BIOS.
4. Verify that you have the latest drivers for adapters.
5. Enter the SCSI Configuration Utility <Ctrl +A> and verify that the Extended BIOS Translation for DOS Drives 1 Gbyte is Enabled. Then, under diskette Utilities, low-level format the drive(s).
6. Verify that the NT CDROM is in the drive, and boot to the first installation diskette.
Note: If the system has 2 processors, only 1 processor will show during install.
7. Insert diskette 2 when prompted. At the next prompt, press <C> for custom install.
8. Press <S> for Skip Mass Storage Detection.
9. Press <S> for Specify Additional Adapter.
10. At the bottom of the list select OEM (Requires diskette).
11. Insert the 7800 Family Manager Set diskette 1, and type A:\WINNT\3_5 or use PCIFW1.EXE
12. Select the appropriate adapter, and press <Enter>.
13. Press <Enter> to continue.
14. Insert diskette 3, and allow it to finish loading the files.
15. Ignore the 1024 cylinder warning if you get it.
16. At the Source Media selection, press <Enter> for CDROM installation.
17. At the New Hard Drive Detection Menu press <C> to continue.
18. Check the System Information. If correct, press <Enter> to continue.
19. Press <C> to Create a new partition (no larger than 1 GB.)
20. Press <Enter> to Install On Partition.
21. Press <Enter> to format the partition as FAT.
22. Press <Enter> to install in the WINNT subdirectory.
23. Press <Enter> to search the drives.
24. The install will ask for the SCSI diskettes again.
25. The system will copy files. And reboot.
26. NT will ask for user information.
27. Setup as Domain Controller or Server.
28. Setup server information.
29. Setup computer name, and verify.
30. Install default components.
31. Press <Esc> to bypass the printer setup.
32. Select 'Do Not Detect' at network card.
33. At the bottom of the listed drivers, select OEM ( requires manufacturer's diskette.)
34. Insert the appropriate diskette ( follow manufacturer's instructions.)
35. Select the adapter and press <Enter>.
36. Select the protocols you wish to install.
37. Select the components of the protocols you wish to load.
38. NT will start copying files and you are done.

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Windows NT

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 300, PC Server 310

Machine Type

8640, 8639




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