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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3QQJ6Z

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Servers - ServeRAID rebuild issue with drive failures on multiple arrays

Applicable to: World-Wide

The problem is regarding a Hot Spare rebuild is as follows:
There are at least two separate arrays defined, each having its own hot spare drive defined. On first array, a drive goes bad (simulated or real), ServeRAID adapter detects that drive has gone bad, automatically substitutes the hot spare into the first array and starts rebuilding.

While first array is being rebuilt, another drive in second array goes bad (simulated or real). Everything continues fine, defective drive in second array is identified. First array rebuilds successfully. Since rebuild engine in firmware is event driven, rebuild engine is not aware of second array having a defective drive while first array is being rebuilt. As a result, once first array is successfully rebuilt, rebuilding of second array does not start automatically.

ServeRAID identifies defunct drive in second array. But, the rebuild has to be started manually from the ServeRAID GUI, it is not done automatically.

Development has implemented a Daemon software in firmware which regularly checks for any drive that has gone defunct. If drive has gone defunct, it starts rebuild process. Therefore, in the above example, second array will start rebuilding upon completion of first array rebuild process automatically. If system had any more arrays defined and they had any drives go defunct, they would rebuilt sequentially. This will be implemented in the next firmware releases for original ServeRAID and for the ServeRAID refresh.

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Hard Drives, RAID

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IBM PC Server

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ServeRAID, Servers

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