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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3DST6E

Multimedia Modem Plus - Using Voice/Fax/Data (US Only)

Applicable to: United States

The Multimedia Modem Plus allows you to use your telephone to control voice, fax, and data from your computer. It uses the Mwave Discriminator to automatically identify and route your incoming telephone calls to a call-handler program. The call-handler program can be a voice, fax, or data application.

The discriminator runs in the background and starts when needed to answer your telephone. It automatically answers the call after the number of rings that you set in your voice application. If your voice application is not running, the call is answered on the lowest number of rings set in your fax or data application. One of the three call-handling applications (voice, fax, or data) must be active. If you do not start a program to handle the incoming call type, the discriminator plays a "Sorry.." message for that call type.

The IBM Multimedia Modem Plus provides the QuickLink Message Center for Windows and WIN-OS/2. The QuickLink Message Center includes a Call Manager program for voice and fax messages, and an On-Line Terminal Application for data (modem) messages. You can specify the types of call that QuickLink Message Center should handle. If you want to use a different voice, fax, or data program, you must start that call-handling program before the discriminator receives the incoming telephone call.

NOTE: If you do not start a voice, fax or data handling program such as Call Manager or QuickLink Message Center On-Line, the Mwave Discriminator will not route your telephone call.

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Modems, Multimedia

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