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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3EPJ5C

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TP General - Important Keyboard Replacement Information

Applicable to: World-Wide

Abstract :
Important Keyboard Replacement Information

Text :
The ThinkPad keyboard is designed to be a robust input device during operation, but extreme care must be taken when handling the FRU during removal from the FRU carton, installation in a system, and during its removal for access to other FRUs.

The main areas of concern are the keyboard cables. There are three signal cables coming from the keyboard, the two wide cables are for keyboard operation and the narrow one is for TrackPoint operation.

A number of failing keys is one symptom of damaged keyboard signal cables. TrackPoint cable damage could result in 86xx errors, trackpoint movement error, or left and right mouse button problems.

Note: "xx" indicates any number.

When handling a ThinkPad keyboard use following tips along with the ThinkPad's HMM removal and replacement instructions.

1. When the keyboard FRU is removed from the FRU packaging be careful to keep the cables from bending or tearing.

2. The two keyboard signal cables have a graphite coating that can be damaged if the coating is scratched when handled.

3. The cable coating can also be removed if the cable is pulled out of the Zero Insertion Force (ZIF) connector without releasing the connector lock down tab.

4. The cable can also tear at the keyboard if ZIF lock-down tab is not released during keyboard removal.

5. Do not put a permanent crease in the cables by bending them.

6. Do not bend the cable during installation.

7. Ensure the cable is not pinched by the top cover. This can cause subsequent intermittent or solid failures.

8. The keyboard trackpoint device can be effected by high static discharge levels, so even though most keyboards have no electronic components, they should be handled as an ESD sensitive device.

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Input Devices

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPads General

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