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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38BH6D

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TP 760L/LD - Unable to restore a user created archive

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
I have just finished working an issue with the SAS preload on the 760L series systems. The findings were that, as shipped, these machines are not capable of restoring a user created OS/2 archive from the Alt+F1 screen. Selecting a number at this screen simply causes the system to beep and the screen to blink. Selecting V (to reboot in VGA) or C (to go to a command prompt) etc. works fine, it is just the user created archives that do not work properly.

The solution is to open an OS/2 Window, run the command ARCINST and when the prompt is returned, shut down and restart. NOTE: This will cause a new "X" archive to be created (the one labeled "from original installation"), so it is a good idea if everything is working right this is done, as the X archive stays permanently ((until you run arcinst again)).

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 760L/LD

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