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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39DDLM

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TP 360CSE/CE - PCMCIA Modem Problem Fix

Applicable to: World-Wide

Some early ThinkPad 360CSE/360CE machines have a known problem where a PCMCIA modem will not work correctly in slot 1 (the upper slot). The modem will configure normally under PC Card Director (EasyPlaying) but when it is accessed it will not respond.

Problem Isolation Aids:
To test for this problem follow the steps below :-
1. Power-on the ThinkPad and run Windows.
2. Start PC Card Director.
3. Insert modem into slot 1 (With a preloaded ThinkPad the modem will be auto-configurred by PC Card Director).
4. Check in PC Card Director which COM port the modem is configurred on and check that "Status" is "OK".
5. Select "Accessories" group and then run "Terminal".
6. Set "Default Serial Port" to the COM port indicated by PC Card Director in step 4. (If not prompted for default serial port, select "Settings", "Communications...", "Connector" and select it there).
7. Type ATZ (which sends the reset command to the modem). If the modem returns OK the PCMCIA slot is ok (surprise, surprise!). If ATZ does not even appear the slot does have the problem and it will be necessary to install the modem in slot 2.

Install the modem in slot 2.

This problem only affects PCMCIA modems. Other PCMCIA cards such as LAN cards are
not affected. If a modem is used with an additional PCMCIA card (eg LAN card) the modem
should be installed in slot 2 and the additional card should be installed in slot 1.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 360

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