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Service Publications

Document ID: MLAH-3XKLWJ

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM Personal Systems Group External Web Site

Applicable to: World-Wide

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TThis publication (IBM Personal Systems Group External Web Site) is now downloadable from the URL above. The file is in Adobe .PDF format, to view these files you will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, or have the Acroread plugin for your Web Browser

All PSG support personnel should familiarize themselves with the IBM Personal Systems Group External Web Site. Make it a habit of recommending the site to our customers. http://www.pc.ibm.com/support We encourage you to provide feedback on how the web site could be improved and to pass along any information that you think would benefit our customers. Send feedback to ctsinput/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS. It is our number one priority to make the IBM Personal Systems Support Web Site the best in the industry.

Encourage customers to Profile!

What is Profiling?
Profiling is a process where we ask our customers for information so that that we can customize the appearance of our support site based on the system(s) that the customer owns and the options that the customer selects. The ability to "Profile" on our site is a big part of what makes our site stand apart from our competitors. Once a customer is profiled, a personal home page is created for the customer and all the information pertinent to their system(s) will be at their fingertips.


We recommend that HelpCenter personnel take the time to Profile so that you will be familiar with the process. Again, we welcome any feedback that you might have.

Pointing customers to specific documents or files on the Site:
If you would like to direct a customer to a specific document on the support site there are a number of solutions.

Example location of Document ID:

Tip: If you know the document number you can go directly to that document by typing in the following URL:
http://www.pc.ibm.com/support/?page=document number

Note: Due to the numerous Email programs in use today, it is highly recommended that you Email the URL of a document or file verses the file itself. You can send Email directly from your web browser if you have it configured properly. It is recommended when you send Email documents or URLs to documents to customers that you set the return Email address in your browser to an ID that does not respond to Email. This will prevent you from having to support the customer via Email for all the customer's future questions and problem reports.

Again, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the web site. There are many improvements to the site on the way, and we need everyone's help to promote the site to our customers.

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HelpCenter Support

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