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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3PDKEK

PC Server 320 - PCI token ring memory address setting in EISA configuration

Applicable to: World-Wide

What role does the PCI token ring memory address setting in the EISA configuration play?

How does this setting correspond to the amount of memory in the system?

The PCI token ring memory address setting is for memory-mapped address space. PCI adapters can map their memory into the system memory map. The microprocessor can address this memory. The microprocessor in a 32-bit address space can address 2**32 bits, or 4 gigabytes.

It is likely that the BIOS will map from the top of memory down, which is why one might see such a high address like 4063Mb, for example.

The memory address could be changed manually through the EISA config. The range is: upper limit of base ram (ex. 32Mb for 32MB of RAM) to 4095Mb. It does not matter if you decide to change the memory address because the PCI adapters auto configure.

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Adapter Cards, Configuration

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 320

Machine Type



2D0; 2Z0; 3D0; 3Z0; SB1; BEE; 0D0; 0DV; 0X0; 0XT; 0Y0; 0YT; 0Z0; 0ZV; 1D0; 1DS; 1Y0; 1YT; 1Z0; EE0; EE1; EES; EEV; IS2; NTN; SUN


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