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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3NTPR8

Server Options - Advanced Systems Management Adapter troubleshooting tips

Applicable to: World-Wide


Possible Causes

Light on LED Panel of ASMA adapter is not blinking.

Card is not connected correctly, or not flashed correctly.

Card is in a malfunctioning state. Turn off the machine, unplug the external power control and reconnect (IBM PC SERVER 330 / 325 and Netfinity 7000, unplug power cord from server's power supply).

ASMA adapter does not set auto answer mode on modem.

Modem is not correctly connected to ASMA adapter. Plug the modem into the ASMA 9 pin connector nearest the ASMA card's retaining screw.

DIALIN ENABLED is not checked in CONFIGURATION SETTINGS (NetFinity Service Processor Service)

NULL MODEM is checked, and should not be. (AUTOMATIC DIALOUT SETTINGS, NetFinity Service Processor Service)

OWN PORT WHEN BOOTED is not checked. (CONFIGURATION SETTINGS, NetFinity Service Processor Service)

Modem Is Malfunctioning.

When attempting to connect, the modems handshake, but
no connection is established.

Login and/or password are incorrect.

The managing machine's modem is not correctly configured in NetFinity's Serial Control service. Be sure that the settings are correct, and applied; and reboot the managing machine to ensure that changes have taken effect (NT3.51/ NT4.0/ Windows 95).

The dialin delay has not yet completed following a failed login attempt. Set dialin delay to 0 to disable the action, or wait for the dialin delay to complete before attempting to dial in.

Netfinity's System Monitor service fails to open.

The ASMA drivers are not properly installed, or the machine has not been rebooted following installation of the drivers.

The card is in a malfunctioning state. Turn off power, unplug the external power control, and reconnect.

(OS2 only) The ibmspo.sys device driver called for in Config.sys is not being installed.

Interrupt or port address conflict. Run the flash utility again, selecting a different port address or interrupt.

Search Keywords

NetFinity, server, ASMA

Hint Category

Advanced Systems Management

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 7000, PC Server 315, PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 520, PC Server 704

Machine Type

8651, 8638, 8640, 8639, 8641, 8650




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