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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-455EB9

Servers - Floppy drive error if both ServeRAID and Adaptec installed

Applicable to: World-Wide

Source: Retain tip H165853

Abstract: Floppy drive error if both ServeRAID and Adaptec installed.

During POST the error 602 invalid diskette boot record displays. In configuration/setup (F1) the diskette drive is listed as NONE or NOT INSTALLED. Cannot boot from floppy diskette.

- The system is any of the following IBM servers:

a Netfinity 7000-M10 server, Type 8680, any model.
a Netfinity 7000 server, Type 8651, any model.
a Netfinity 5500-M10 server, Type 8661, any model.
a Netfinity 5500 server, Type 8660, any model.
a Netfinity 5000 server, Type 8659, any model.
a Netfinity 3500 server, Type 8644, any model.
a Netfinity 3000 server, Type 8476, any model.
a PC Server 330, Type 8640, any model.
a PC Server 325, Type 8639, any model.
a PC Server 310, Type 8639, any model.

- The system is configured with the following options:

a Planar with On-Board ServeRAID
a PC ServeRAID SCSI Adapter, Option p/n70G8489
a ServeRAID II Ultra SCSI Adapter, Option p/n76H3584
a Netfinity ServeRAID-3H Ultra2 SCSI Adapter, Option p/n01K720
a Netfinity ServeRAID-3L Ultra2 SCSI Adapter, Option p/n01K736

-= AND =-

a Planar with On-Board PCI SCSI
a PCI Fast/Wide Ultra SCSI Adapter, Option p/n02K3454
a PCI Fast/Wide Ultra SCSI Adapter, Option p/n76H3579
a PC Server Ultra Wide SCSI PCI Adapter, Option p/n76H5407

- The IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette version 3.01 and lower Firmware for the ServeRAID Adapter is affected.

Apply IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette version 3.11 or higher.

The problem surfaces when a ServeRAID controller is scanned before the PCI SCSI (non-RAID) controller during system POST.

The problem will not be seen:

Other company, product and service names may be the trademarks or service marks of others.

PSY2, NETFINITY, PCSERVER, UNCLASSIFIED, 7000-M10, D/T8680, 7000, D/T8651, 5500-M10, D/T8661, 5500, D/T8660, 5000, D/T8659, 3500, D/T8644, 3000, D/T8476, 330, D/T8640, 325, D/T8639, SERVERAID, ADAPTEC, POST, 602, 70G8489, 76H3584, 01K7364, 28L1003, 01K7207, 02K3454, 76H5407, 76H3579, BIOS, FIRMWARE, 3.01, 101686

Search Keywords

PSY2, NETFINITY, PCSERVER, UNCLASSIFIED, 7000-M10, D/T8680, 7000, D/T8651, 5500-M10, D/T8661, 5500, D/T8660, 5000, D/T8659, 3500, D/T8644, 3000, D/T8476, 330, D/T8640, 325, D/T8639, SERVERAID, ADAPTEC, POST, 602, 70G8489, 76H3584, 01K7364, 28L1003, 01K7207, 02K3454, 76H5407, 76H3579, BIOS, FIRMWARE, 3.01, 101686

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3000, Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 5000, Netfinity 5500, Netfinity 5500 M10, Netfinity 7000, Netfinity 7000 M10, PC Server 310, PC Server 325, PC Server 330

Machine Type

8476, 8644, 8659, 8660, 8661, 8651, 8680, 8639, 8640



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and Admin Purposes

Date last altered: A99/03/24