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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: SSCT-3JLJFZ

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IBM PS/2 - 4869 External & Internal Drive & Adapt Part Numbers

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
If you encounter difficulty with 5.25 inch internal or external drive on any of the following PS/2 systems you might suspect a mismatch of the diskette drive adapter card or adapter/A and/or the drive. The following information may aid in problem determination.

4869 EXTERNAL & INTERNAL |8 |8 |8 8|8 | 8 |8 8 |8 | 8 |
5.25 " DISKETTE DRIVE |5 A|5 A|5 5|5 | 5 |5 5 |5 | 5 A21|
COMPATIBILITY AND |2 L|3 L|5 7|5 | 7 |6 8 |6 | 8 A31|
PART NUMBERS |5 L|0 L|0 0|5 | 3 |0 0 |5 | 0 |
360 KB DRIVE P/N | 1 | 1 | 1 |1 | 1 | 1 |1 | 1 |
EXTERNAL |---+---+---+---+---+----+--+------|
4869-001 ADPT CD P/N | 2 | 2 |3/4|4 | * |3/4 |4 | 4 |
1.2 MEG DRIVE P/N |N/A|N/A| 5 |5 | 5 | 5 |5 | 5 |
EXTERNAL |---+---+---+---+---+----+--+------|
4869-002 ADPT CD P/N |N/A|N/A| 4 |4 | 4 | 4 |4 | 4 |
1.2 MEG DRIVE P/N |N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A| 6 |6 | 6 |
INTERNAL |---+---+---+---+---+----+--+------|
ADPT CD P/N |N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A| 4 |4 | 4 |

Part Numbers For The Chart Above:
1-> 72X6759 (360KB Drive) 4-> 15F7996 (Adapter/A Card)
2-> 72X6757 (Adapter) 5-> 15F7993 (1.2MB Ext Drive)
3-> 72X6758** ("B" Box Kit) 6-> 15F6912 (1.2MB Int Drive)

* The 8573 Doesn't require an adpater to attach to the 4869-001.

** P/N72X6758 includes an adapter, cable and a drive connector assembly (Plastic "B" Box).

Additional Helpful Information on the above FRUS:
Adapter P/N72X6758 (Attachment group):
- This adapter use an internal cable. The cable attaches the adapter to the drive connector assembly in the "B" bay.
- This adapter supports the 360KB 5.25 external diskette drive.
- This adapter is not supported in the 8555, 8580 A21 & A31, and 8565. It is not required for the 8573.
- An option diskette is not required for this adapter, and a software device driver is not required.
- Configuration will show the 5.25 external drive as Drive "B".
- The adapter will not be illustrated as taking up a slot.
- The external drive attached will be logically internal, therefore DOS will address this drive as Drive "B".

5.25 Inch Adapter/A P/N15F7996:
- This adapter uses cables only when the 5.25" internal drive is attached. The current version of the card has a lot of chips (more than 50).
- This adapter supports both the 869-001 (360KB 5.25 drive) and the 4869-002 (1.2MB 5.25 drive).
- This card is supported in all Micro Channel Systems Units.
- An option diskette is required to do configuration and diagnostics. Configuration will show this adapter as installed in a slot.
- A software device driver and installation program are needed to install this option. These programs are shipped with the option on the option/device driver diskette. This diskette should not be confused with the option diskette that comes with the HMS update.
- When this adapter is used the drive attached will be viewed by the system as logically external. This also applies to the internal drive. Your operating system will assign this drive the next available drive designation. For example: If a 115MB hardfile is installed on a model 8580-11 and the customer has partitioned as C, D, E, F, the next available drive designation is "G". Your external drive will be booted as "G" during POST when the device driver is being loaded.

Device Drivers:
The servicer will be assured that the device driver is being loaded by observing the display during post. The drive designation assigned will be displayed.
To verify proper installation of the device driver refer to the section in the PS/2 SIM that discusses the "DASDDRVR" patch installation/verification. Replace the filename of "DASDDRVR" with "úFDD%.sys" and follow instructions

D/T8555 D/T8560 D/T8530 D/T8580
D/T8550 D/T8565 D/T8525 D/T8573
D/T8570 D/T9576 D/T9577

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IBM Diskette Drives

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