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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3QFJPX

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PCServer9585 - SCO UNIX Compatibility

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
PC Server 9585-0KG, 0KT, 0NG and 0NT systems have been certified by SCO for UNIX 3.2v4.2 and Open Desktop/Open Server 3.0. To install SCO software, the following items must be completed:
1. These systems contain an external (level 2) cache. This cache must be removed to perform the software installation. Once the software is installed, the cache may be re-installed.
2. Additional software supplements from SCO are required for installation. Either the combination of supplements described in "a" or the single supplement described in "b" may be used to install SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 or SCO Open Desktop/Open Server 3.0 on Server 85 systems:
a) The IBM compatibility EFS for SCO UNIX and SCO Open Desktop release 1.0.0c or higher, also known as EFS- 130. EFS-130 contains special software to locate the imbedded SCSI adapter on the Server 85's planar, and advanced hardware supplement AHS 3.3. AHS 3.3 contains the boot time loadable device driver (btld) for the SCSI-2 fast/wide adapter used in the Server 85.
b) Support level supplement SLS-UOD383. This supplement combines the functions of the supplements described above on a single diskette.
Note: These supplements include directions for their use during installation of SCO UNIX and SCO Open Desktop/Open Server. They are available from authorized SCO retailers and from SCO technical support. When the above conditions are met and the customer continues to have problems installing SCO UNIX or SCO Open Desktop/Open Server, the customer should be referred to the dealer where the software was purchased and/or SCO technical support.

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IBM PC Server

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Server 85

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0KG; 0KT; 0NG; 0NT


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