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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PSMS-3Q8LJM

TP 380, 385 - README for the Cardsoft drivers

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following README file is preloaded on the ThinkPad 380 and 385 models.

SystemSoft's CardWorks(TM)
The Complete PC CARD Solution for Windows 95
Version: 5.22.14

o Product Description
o Copyright Notices
o Tips for Using Real Mode Device Drivers
o Novell Network Drivers for LAN Cards
o CardID Settings for CardWorks
o Overriding CardSoft Driver Installation
o Advantages to Loading CardWizard at Startup
o Using Copy and Paste with CardWizard
o Installing CardWorks with a Docking Station
o Removing CardWorks
o Initializing PC Card Hard Disks (or ATAs)
o Limitations

Product Description
CardWorks is a Windows 95 software suite that includes SystemSoft's industry leading CardSoft & CardWizard PC CARD software to enhance the functionality of PC CARD technology in Windows 95. CardWorks is intended to make PC CARD use easy and pleasurable, while affording the greatest compatibility in the computer industry.

Copyright Notices
The following names and terms are registered trademarks of SystemSoft Corp.:

The following names and terms are trademarks of SystemSoft Corp.:

All of the above are Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, SystemSoft Corp.

All Rights Reserved.

All other trademarks are held by their respective owners.

Tips for Using Real Mode Device Drivers

CardWorks provides enhanced compatibility with real mode device drivers for use with PC CARDS which do not have Plug and Play drivers. This section provides some tips for configuring cards using "CardSoft Mode" (real mode) within CardWorks.

Note: Although CardWorks can display information about cards configured by either real mode or Windows 95, the "PC Card" Control Panel program can only display cards that are configured by Windows 95.

Real mode drivers are typically required to be loaded in CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT during system boot. Many of these cards must be inserted prior to booting the system. This is most often the case with real mode network and SCSI cards, but other cards may have this requirement as well.

You will need to consult the documentation provided with your card for information on how to properly install the drivers. In most cases, there is an install or setup program which will lead you through the installation process.

CardWorks runs prior to Windows 95. CardWorks tries to determine what system resources are available for your PCMCIA cards during system boot. In some cases, CardWorks may mark resources as used which Windows 95 later marks as available. Once Windows 95 is loaded, CardWorks will query Windows 95 for what resources the operating system has allocated to devices.

For example, CardWorks may mark IRQ 7 as used when it scans for available resources during boot. When Windows 95 loads, it detects that IRQ 7 is free, because there is no printer attached to your system and IRQ 7 is typically used for local printers. CardWorks will detect that Windows 95 has marked IRQ 7 as available, and adjust its resource data base automatically.

You can use CardWorks to include and exclude resources which CardWorks will use when configuring cards during the boot process. To continue with the IRQ 7 example, the following describes how to make IRQ 7 available for cards configured by CardWorks during boot:

- Open CardWizard and select "IRQs" from the "View" menu.
- Select "Included" and click on the add button.
- Select the IRQ 7 using the mouse or arrow keys.
- Click on the "OK" button to reboot the system

After the system reboots, IRQ 7 should then be available (before Windows 95 launches).

Novell Network Drivers for LAN Cards

Before installing real mode Novell network support for a LAN PC card, first make sure that the card is not already supported by Plug and Play. If not, install the Novell drivers that came with the card, following the card software instructions. Usually, drivers are either loaded in AUTOEXEC.BAT, alternatively in a separate STARTNET.BAT or other batch file.

Using the Windows 95 Control Panel "Network" applet, install the "Adapter" called "Existing ODI Driver" (if you do not see this option, recheck your network setup). Windows 95 should remove the "NETX" or "VLM" part of the drivers loaded in AUTOEXEC.BAT or STARTNET.BAT and replace them with the driver ODIHLP.EXE from the Windows directory. You may have to correct this by hand - Windows 95 does not always complete this operation properly.

CardID Settings for CardWorks

CardID is a CardSoft real mode client responsible for configuring modems and CardSoft mode ATA disks. CardWorks supports editing many of the setting in its initialization file, CARDID.INI. Some settings may have to be changed by editing the file with a text editor for best results under Windows 95 and CardWorks.

One setting which may need to be modified is "NoDOSModem=Yes". This setting controls whether CardWorks configures modems in DOS, before Windows 95 loads. By default, CardWorks does not configure modems until after Windows 95 loads. If you wish to use modems in DOS before Windows 95 loads, you will have to change this line to "NoDOSModems=No".

CARDID.INI specifies card libraries to be loaded by CardSoft when CARDID.EXE loads. They are listed toward the end of the file and have a .CLB extension. The libraries control whether CARDID.EXE configures a card.

Some entries have been commented out to prevent CardID from configuring cards present during the boot process. If you are using a card which is configured during the boot process by CardSoft and you wish to use a Plug and Play driver, you should remove the library entry for the card from CARDID.INI.

On the other hand, if you wish to use a card in CardSoft mode, you may have to enable the library entry for the card. In particular, the GENATA.LIB library is commented out of CARDID.INI by default. This library controls most PCMCIA hard disks. If you wish to use PCMCIA hard disks in CardSoft mode, you should remove the semicolon from the beginning of the line which contains GENATA.LIB.

Overriding CardSoft Driver Installation

CardWorks uses Plug and Play features to try to assist you in installing the correct drivers for your PCMCIA cards. In some cases, Plug and Play drivers may work with certain cards even though the Plug and Play information for the driver does not exactly match the information CardWorks reads from the PCMCIA cards.

CardWorks provides a way for you to configure cards for Plug and Play mode, overriding the default selection made when the card is first inserted in your system. To override the driver selection, insert the card into your computer with CardWizard running. Select the card you wish to configure from the Card Information view. Select "Properties..." from the "View" menu and select the "Drivers" tab. Select the "Change Card Driver" option and click on the "Use Plug and Play" option.

Advantages to Loading CardWizard at Startup

CardWorks does not automatically install the CardWizard application into the system Startup group. If you wish to have CardWizard start automatically when Windows 95 loads, you can add the application to the Startup group by selecting "TaskBar..." from "Settings" of the "Start" button.

By running the CardWizard application at startup, you will be able to view cards which are inserted into your system, track system resource usage, start applications on card insertion, play sound files on card insertion, and easily "stop" Plug and Play configured cards before removing them.

If you have a configuration problem with a PCMCIA card, CardWizard may be able to solve the problem for you. Loading CardWizard at startup will allow you to be informed of configuration problems should they occur; however, CardWizard does not have to be loaded at startup to help diagnose PCMCIA problems. You can run CardWizard any time and consult the "wizard" for help.

Using Copy and Paste with CardWizard

CardWizard allows the text of the Wizard tips (problem solving suggestions) to be copied into a file for printing. To copy text onto the Windows clipboard, highlight the text you wish to copy with the mouse. Hold the control key down (usually the control key has "CTRL" for a label) and press the 'C' or the "Insert" key. The Wizard text will be copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into a text editor such as Notepad for printing or later review.

Installing CardWorks with a Docking Station

CardWorks needs to be added after Windows 95 has already been installed with a docking station, and after 32-bit PCMCIA support has been enabled. If you acquire a docking station after installing CardWorks, you will need to remove CardWorks and then reinstall it in order to support PCMCIA slots on the dock. See the next section, "Removing CardWorks", for instructions on how to remove CardWorks.

Deinstalling CardWorks

If you have previously installed CardWorks and wish to remove it, take the following steps:

Note: If your machine is setup with docking enabled and your docking station has PCMCIA slots, you need to dock the machine before you start the CardWorks deinstall process.

1. Remove CardWorks related drivers from CONFIG.SYS:
Open C:\CONFIG.SYS with a text editor (e.g. Notepad)
Delete the lines below the words "rem SystemSoft CardWorks(TM) PCMCIA drivers:" that refer to the CardWorks directory.
Below is an example of how the drivers may appear in C:\CONFIG.SYS:
devicehigh=C:\CARDWORK\CS.SYS /POLL:1

Note that these entries are for a previous installation to the default (C:\CARDWORK) directory. If the previous installation was to a different directory, the path will be different.

2. Next, remove CardWorks from the Start Menu (if it was previously installed to automatically appear in the TaskBar when Windows 95 starts):
Select Start/Settings/TaskBar;
Select the Start Menu Programs Tab;
Click on the Remove Button;
Select the CardWorks entry and click on the Remove Button. - then confirm that you want to remove this item

3. If you had previously installed CardWorks to run upon startup, Double Click on Startup entry, select Wiz (if available) and click on Remove.

4. Close the Remove Shortcuts/Folders dialog, then press OK in the TaskBar Properties dialog.

5. Remove any short cut to the CardWizard application on the Desktop by clicking on the icon with the right mouse button and selecting Delete.
6. You must then use the Windows 95 device manager to deinstall CardWorks to use the basic PC Card support provided with Windows 95.
To deinstall CardWorks, open the Control Panel (by selecting Start, then Settings, then Control Panel) and select the System icon.
Open that icon and select the Device Manager tab.
Double click on PCMCIA socket and select the PCMCIA controller. Use the remove button to remove the PCMCIA controller (Then select OK to confirm removal in the device removal dialog box)

7. Windows will ask you to restart your system. After restarting your system, open the Control Panel and select the System icon.
Open that icon and select the Device Manager tab.
Inspect the PCMCIA controller entry. If it does not appear, add PCMCIA support using Add Hardware in Control Panel (See #2 above)
If the PCMCIA controller entry has an x on top of it, select it and press the property button.
Inspect the Device Status. If the status is disabled, in the Device Usage Box, check the Undocked configuration box and press OK. The PCMCIA Wizard will guide you and enable PCMCIA.

8. Consult the Windows 95 Help file for complete instructions on adding the Windows 95 PCMCIA (PC Card) support. Note: Make sure you fully reinstall Windows 95 PCMCIA support before you reinstall CardWorks - or else the error dialog (see previous) will appear when attempting to install CardWorks.

Note: On some systems, the PCMCIA controller will be redetected when Windows restarts, and the PCMCIA controller icon in "DeviceManager" reappears and its status is "working properly". On these systems, you need to uncheck the "Undocked" configuration box and select "OK". When Windows asks you to restart your computer, choose "No" and again click on "Properties" for the PCMCIA controller. Now check the "Undocked" box in the "Device Usage" section. This will start the PCMCIA Wizard and enable native 32-bit PCMCIA support.

Initializing PC Card Hard Disks (or ATAs)

ATAINIT.EXE is a program that initializes the low level format of PC Card hard disk drive. It is used fairly infrequently because the hard disk can be reformatted using the MS-DOS FORMAT command once it has been initialized. A known limitation of ATAINIT.EXE is that it does not work in an MS-DOS window.

To use ATAINIT, first you must edit the file CARDID.INI in the CardWorks home directory. Remove the semicolon from the following line:


Now you need to restart your computer, using the "Shut Down" option from the "Start Menu". Insert the PC Card hard disk that you want to initialize and use CardWizard to change the card driver to "Use CardSoft Mode". Reinsert the card and ensure that CardWizard says it is properly configured. Take note of the drive letter used by the hard drive in CardSoft mode. Now use the "Restart the Computer in MS-DOS Mode" option from "Shut Down" on the "Start Menu". Change to the CardWorks home directory and type ATAINIT followed by the CardSoft drive letter, for example:


The PC Card hard drive should be initialized. You should next FORMAT the drive, as per the CardWizard Help on "ATA Card Formatting". After the drive is initialized, you should replace the semicolon that you removed from CARDID.INI.


Application Launching
The application launch feature of CardWizard is currently restricted to assigning only the program name to a card - a program command line option cannot be added using the "Browse" button from the Wizard's Application Launching Assignments dialog. Command line options can be added manually by editing the WIZ.INI file. To add a command line to an application, first use the Wizard to assign the application to the card. Then use a text editor to edit WIZ.INI, which is located in the Windows directory. Find the application program name under [APPLICATIONS], add the command line to the end, and save the file.

CardWizard is not automatically started when CardWorks detects a problem configuring a card that has been previously inserted.

CardWizard does not display memory resources for PC cards configured with Plug and Play mode, as it does cards configured in CardSoft mode.

The "PC Card" applet in the Control Panel will not display cards that are configured in CardSoft Mode (CardWizard will display cards configured in either Plug and Play mode or CardSoft mode). CardWizard will not identify as "Stopped" cards that are stopped by the "PC Card" applet.

ATAINIT does not work in an MS-DOS window. See the section "Initializing PC Card Hard Disks" above.

Memory Window Configuration
CardWorks is currently installed using a 64K memory window in Upper Memory Block (UMB) space in the range D000-DFFF. Many notebooks use a large range of UMB space for other functions and therefore, the only UMB area remaining is the 'D' segment (D000-DFFF) and part of the 'C' segment (CC00-CFFF or C800-CFFF). The current CardWorks installation takes all of the 'D' segment, leaving only a small amount of UMB space free.

On systems with less than 16 MB of memory, PCCARD uses extended memory in the range of 8 Meg to 16 Meg for most of its memory requirements. However, on systems configured with 16 Meg of memory, PCCARD is forced to use UMB memory to locate it's own memory windows. In addition, card drivers which require memory to operate, may also be located in the UMB area on systems which have 16 MB or more of physical memory.

The combined requirements of all drivers for UMB space may exceed the space which remains after the default CardWorks installation. As a result, some cards may not configure properly with CardWorks installed. This is particularly true of LAN cards with memory mapped buffers.

To work-around this problem, you can decrease the amount of UMB space used by CardWorks. Do the following:

1.) Modify CSALLOC.INI
change it to

2.)Modify SYSTEM.INI
if it is there, change it to

3.) If EMM386.EXE is loaded, modify CONFIG.SYS
device=emm386.exe noems x=d000-dfff
device=emm386.exe noems x=d000-d7FF

Search Keywords

Cardworks, Cardsoft, PCMCIA, README, Drivers, Delete, UNInstall, Deinstall, Cardbus

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 380, ThinkPad 385D

Machine Type





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