13.349 bytes

Product Information

Document ID: SWIS-3YTRN2

IBM ValuePoint (Type 6387 466DX2/T) - System information

Applicable to: World-Wide


486 DX/2 66MHz

Cache (internal)

8 KB

Cache (external) / MAX

128 KB / 256 KB

Bus Type


Memory / MAX

See Table A / 64 MB

Floppy Drive

1.44 MB

Hard Drive

See Table A

CD-ROM Drive


Hard Drive Controller

IDE - Number of IDE devices supported - 2

Video Memory/MAX

1 MB / 2 MB - S3 86C805


1 - VESA local bus 32 bit / Full size 16 bit
5 - Full size 16 bit
2 - Half size 16 bit


1 - 3 1/2" Slimline, disk drive
1 - 3 1/2" Slimline, hidden (hard drive)
1 - 3 1/2" Halfhigh, front access (available)
1 - 3 1/2" Halfhigh, hidden (available)
2 - 5 1/4" Halfhigh, front access (available)

Power Supply

200 Watt

Parallel Ports

PS/2 Bi-directional

Serial Ports

2 Serial ports
Port A - 16550 UART, 9 pin male
Port B - 18450 UART, 9 pin male
Max supported speed 19,200 baud


101 Key keyboard


PS/2 style connection

Preloaded Software

See Table A

Table A



Hard Drive



4 MB




4 MB

527 MB IDE

IBM DOS 5.02, Windows 3.1


8 MB

527 MB IDE

OS/2 2.00.1


4 MB




4 MB

340 MB IDE

IBM DOS 6.1, Windows 3.1


8 MB

527 MB IDE

IBM DOS 6.1, Windows 3.1


8 MB

527 MB IDE

OS/2 2.00.1

Maximum RAM - 64 MB (with 4 - 16 MB SIMMs)
Number of SIMM sockets - 4
Number of available sockets - 3
Memory type - 72 pin, PS/2
Memory speed - 70 ns
Parity memory - Yes
ECC memory - No

External cache memory
Standard cache - 128 KB
Maximum cache - 256 KB

Type of cache

Type 1 system board - write through

Type 2 system board - write back

Cache speed - 15 ns

Write through 256 KB cache memory upgrade - FRU pn 92F0398
Write back 256 KB cache memory upgrade - FRU pn 92F0400

Available only from IBM web site at WWW.DIRECT.IBM.COM or by calling 1-800-388-7080.

You can Identify type 1 and type 2 system boards by the way the memory SIMM sockets are orientated.
When looking at the system board with the system board ports facing away from you, the type 1 system board memory SIMM sockets go from left to right, and the type 2 system board memory SIMM sockets go from front to back.

Power supply
Wattage - 200 watt
Dual voltage - Yes
Voltage selection - Manual
Built in overload and surge protection - Yes


Low range - 90 to 137 V ac

High range - 180 to 265 V ac

Frequency - 50 or 60 Hz

Input, in Kilovolt-ampere (KVA)

Minimum configuration 0.08 KVA

Maximum configuration 0.52 KVA

Processor upgrades
Intel P24T-83 Pentium overdrive processor (83 MHz) with BIOS version 68 or later

Before installing the Intel Pentium overdrive processor, you must first update the BIOS to 68 or later. Next power off the system and make sure the processor jumpers are in the OD position (for type 1 system boards, J10 and J11, and for type 2 system boards, J17 and J18, which are located next to the processor). For both type 1 and 2 system boards the OD position is towards the rear of the system board. Now you can install your Pentium overdrive processor.

Video memory
Video chipset - S3 86C805
Controller bus interface - local bus (32 bit)
Standard video memory - 1 MB
Maximum video memory - 2 MB

1 MB video memory upgrade - FRU pn 60G2951

Available only from IBM web site at WWW.DIRECT.IBM.COM or by calling 1-800-388-7080.

Resolutions supported with 1 MB video memory
640 x 480 x 16 (60, 72 Hz NI)
640 x 480 x 256 (60, 72 Hz NI)
640 x 480 x 64K (60, 72 Hz NI)
640 x 480 x 16M (60 Hz NI)
800 x 600 x 16 (60, 72 Hz NI)
800 x 600 x 256 (60, 72 Hz NI)
800 x 600 x 256 (43.5 Hz Interlaced)
800 x 600 x 64K (60 Hz NI)
1024 x 768 x 16 (60, 70, 72 Hz NI)
1024 x 768 x 256 (60, 70, 72 Hz NI)
1024 x 768 x 256 (43.5 Hz Interlaced)
1280 x 1024 x 16 (60 Hz NI)
1280 x 1024 x 16 (43.5 Hz Interlaced)

Additional resolutions supported with 2 MB video memory
1280 x 1024 x 256 (43.5 Hz Interlaced)

Downloadable files
The following files are available for these machines on IBM's FTP. When the file is run from your hard drive, it will expand to a 1.44 MB disk.

You can download ValuePoint diagnostics at
You can download DOS video drivers for the S3 86C805 chipset at

You can download ValuePoint Windows 3.1 video driver for the S3 86C805 chipset at

You can download ValuePoint keyboard fix for lockups in Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups at

You can download ValuePoint flash BIOS update at



Phone support for this machine is available from IBM on a fee basis from the IBM Club's 900# (1-900-555-2582). The first minute of this call is free. Each additional minute is charged to your phone bill at a rate of $2.99/minute.

Search Keywords

Document Category

Technical Specifications

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family


Machine Type



W00; W90; W91; X00; X70; X91; X93


Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes