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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3BJCKG

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM PC330/PC350 - CD-ROM drivers missing from preload backup CD

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
Below is a list of the standard models which may have the CD Drivers missing from the preload backup CD.
The drivers can be obtained by double clicking on the follwIng icon:-

STANDARD MODELS - PC330/350 Series Pentiums
Model No Proc Mem H/F Cache VRAM Riser Bill No
-------- ---- --- ------ ----- ---- ----- -------
6576-3SH P75 16MB 850/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131403
6586-3SH P75 16MB 850/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131404
6576-4SH P90 16MB 850/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131406
6586-4SH P90 16MB 850/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131407
6576-5SH P100 16MB 850/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131477
6586-5SH P100 16MB 850/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131413
6586-7TH P133 16MB 1.2/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131468
6586-9TH P166 16MB 1.2/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131485

6576-3YH P75 16MB 635/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131476
6586-3TH P75 16MB 1.2/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131483
6586-5TH P100 16MB 1.2/CD 256 1MB PCI/ISA 8131484

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Hint Category

CD-ROM Drives

Date Created


Last Updated


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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6576, 6586




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