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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3TRHK9

PC Server 325/330 - Installing Warp Server

Applicable to: World-Wide

Installation instructions for Warp Server on IBM PC Server 325 (8639-EJ0, ES0, ESV, RS0, PT0, PTW, PB0, RB0) and IBM PC Server 330 (8640-ES0, ES2, EM2) non-array machines.

Before you begin, obtain the following files from the IBM PC Company BBS:
84H2975.EXE - Label this diskette Adaptec SCSI diskette.
84H4279.EXE - Label this diskette AMD PCNet Driver diskette.
84H4298.EXE - Label this diskette Cirrus Logic 5436/46 OS/2 Driver diskette.
All of these files are diskette images. To extract them to diskette, run each executable from your hard disk and follow the instructions.

You can dial the BBS directly at 919-517-0001 or access it via the internet at http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/files.html.

Also, there are some modifications that need to be made to the disk labeled 'OS/2 Diskette 1for CD-ROM'. Therefore, it is recommended that you make a diskcopy of this diskette before you begin.

1. Delete the file AIC7770.ADD from OS/2 Diskette 1, then copy AIC7870.ADD from the Adaptec SCSI diskette (it's in the A:\OS2 directory) to OS/2 Diskette 1. There is already a file named AIC7870.ADD on OS/2 diskette 1, but it needs to be overwritten with the newer version on the Adaptec SCSI diskette.
2. Rename the file AIC7870.ADD on OS/2 Diskette 1 to 330SCSI.ADD by typing 'REN A:AIC7870.ADD 330SCSI.ADD'.
3. Edit the config.sys on OS/2 Diskette 1 and remark out the lines BASEDEV=AIC7770.ADD and BASEDEV=AIC7870.ADD. Add a new line to the bottom of the config.sys that reads BASEDEV=330SCSI.ADD.
4. Place the OS/2 Installation diskette in your boot drive and boot your system.
- Insert disk1when prompted.
- Press Enter at the Welcome screen.
- Choose Advanced Installation.
- Choose Specify your own installation partition on the next screen. This will take you into OS/2's fdisk utility.
5. Highlight your freespace and press Enter.
If you wish to install boot manager (which enables you to boot multiple operating systems):
- Choose Install boot manager.
- Choose Create at start of freespace.
- Highlight your freespace and press Enter again.
- Choose Create partition from the menu,.
- Enter the size of your OS/2 partition (IBM recommends 500-1000M).
- Choose 'Primary partition' when prompted.
- Choose 'Create at start of freespace'.
Press F3 twice to save your changes and exit. You will be asked to insert the OS/2 Installation diskette and reboot your system.

6. Place the OS/2 Installation diskette in your boot drive and reboot your system.
- Insert disk1when prompted.
- At the Welcome screen, press F3, which will take you to a [A:\] prompt.
- Type D: (or whatever your cdrom drive letter is), press Enter.
- Type \OS2IMAGE\DISK_2\FORMAT C: /L /FS:HPFS, press Enter. A warning will appear asking you if you are sure. Respond 'Y'. This will format your partition. When it is done, enter a Volume Label. When you are returned to the command prompt, type EXIT. This will take you back to the welcome screen.

7. Press Enter at the Welcome screen.
- Choose Advanced Installation on the screen that follows.
- Choose Accept the drive, and on the following screen choose 'Do not format the partition'. The installation will then proceed to copy files to your hard drive. When prompted, remove any diskettes and reboot your system.

8. Upon reboot, you will be presented with a System Configuration screen. Select the OK button without making any changes.
9. Choose your printer from the next screen, if you have one, then select the OK button.
10. The next screen will ask you what type of video driver you wish to install. Although this server allows SVGA, choose Video Graphics Array (VGA) and select OK (the installation of the correct video driver must be done AFTER OS/2 is installed).
11. At the OS/2 Setup and Installation screen, remove any components you do not want, then press the Install button.
- Remove the check from the box labeled 'Add Existing Programs to Desktop', then press OK.
- Fill in your personal information on the next screen, then click OK.
- Check the components you wish to install, then press OK.

12. At the configuration screen, you must fill in any fields that have a red arrow beside them, then click on install.

13. At the Add Adapter screen, click the Other Adapter button at the bottom, and put in your AMD PCNet Driver diskette. Type A:\LANSRVR in the Location field. You may get an error message after this that reads 'No Network Adapters Have Been Selected'. If you do, ignore it and click OK. On the screen that follows, add your desired protocols, and click on OK.

The final pass of the installation will proceed from here. When it is done, you can insert your Cirrus Logic 5436/46 OS/2 Driver diskette into your diskette drive, then type A:\INSTALL from an OS/2 window. Follow the prompts to install SVGA support.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 325, PC Server 330

Machine Type

8639, 8640


EJ0; ES0; ESV; RS0; PT0; PTW; PB0; RB0; ES0; ES2; EM2


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and Admin Purposes