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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DSHY-3TUQUM

TP 770 - RASAPI32.DLL ERROR while trying to connect with Direct Cable Connection

Applicable to: World-Wide

Receive the following error message when starting Direct Cable Connection "Error starting program. The windows directcc.exe file is linked to missing export rasapi32.dll:500".

ThinkPad 770 with Preloaded Windows 95 (OSR2) with Sheva software RAS update

1) Restart system, when "Starting Windows 95 ... " appears press the F8 key, then choose "Safe mode command prompt only." (Must be outside of windows to gain access to the file and changes its attributes.)
2) At the c prompt, change to the windows\system directory by using the following command:
CD \windows\system and press <enter>
3) Remove attributes to the rasapi32.dll file by doing the following command:
ATTRIB -r -s -h rasapi32.dll and press <enter>
4) Rename the rasapi32.dll file:
REN rasapi32.dll rasapi32.old and press <enter>
5) Pull the original file out of the Windows Cab file by using the following command:
extract c:\windows\options\cabs\win95_16.cab rasapi32.dll and press <enter>
8) Restart the computer and boot back up to the windows desktop
9) During bootup, you may see the following message appear:
"Incorrect version of rasapi32.dll, do you want Sheva to replace it. Yes or No"
Answer NO.

Preloaded rasapi32.dll should be 174k in size and dated 8/24/96

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Hint Category

Communications, Windows 95

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 770

Machine Type

9548, 9549




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