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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3HAKXW

CrossBrand - Installing Notes 4.5a Client On WinCenter 3.0

Applicable to: World-Wide

1) From a DOS window, enter the command: change user /install

2) Rename \winframe\system32\ctl3d32.dll to ctl3d32.orig.

3) Insert the Notes 4.5a CD into the drive and select File -> Run from the Program Manager. Type:


where "cd_drive" specifies your cdrom drive letter.

4) Click on the "I Agree" button, after reading Lotus's software agreement.

5) Enter your name and company on the "Welcome to the Lotus Notes Install Program" dialog and press the "Next" button.

6) When the "Confirm Names" dialog is displayed, press the "Yes" button.

7) Select "Customize features - Manual install" from the "Install Options" dialog. Press the "Next" button.

8) Select only the following components:

Notes WorkStation
Personal Data Files
Additional Templates
Notes Help Lite
Java support files (optional)

9) Select the program group or program folder for the Notes icon. Click "Next".

10) Click "Yes" to begin the installation.

11) When the installation completes, click "Done".

12) Go to your DOS window and type: change user /execute

13) Copy all files in the c:\lotus\notes\data directory to the administrator's home directory (all users on the system must have their own unique home directory. On my system, the <admin_home_directory> is c:\users\administrator. In general, I would recommend putting all home directories in a networkdrive):

xcopy c:\lotus\notes\data\* <admin_home_directory>\lotus\notes\data\

14) Rename the file \winframe\notes.ini to \winframe\notes.orig.

15) Copy \winframe\notes.orig to <admin_home_directory>\lotus\notes\notes.ini.

16) Copy your Lotus Notes id file to <admin_home_directory>\lotus\notes\data\

17) Edit the following lines in <admin_home_directory>\lotus\notes\notes.ini:

a) Directory=<admin_home_directory>\lotus\notes\data
b) WinNTIconPath=<admin_home_directory>\lotus\notes\data\w32
c) FileDlgDirectory=<admin_home_directory>
d) KeyFileName=<notes_user_id>.id
e) CertificateExpChecked=<admin_home_directory>\lotus\notes\data\<notes_user_id>.id <rest_of_line_do_not_edit>

18) As the Administrator user, go to the Program Manager and select File - -> New and create a Personal Program Group for Lotus Notes. Move the "Lotus Notes" and "Notes 4.0 Uninstall" icons from the Common Lotus Notes group created by the install process to the Personal Program Group for Lotus Notes.

19) Delete the Common Lotus Notes program group.

20) Change the "Working Directory" for the Lotus Notes program item to <admin_home_directory>\lotus\notes (you do this by first selecting the Lotus Notes icon and then selecting File -> Properties from the Program Manager's File menu.

21) Test that Notes works by double-clicking on the Notes icon.

22) Each WinCenter user must have his/her own copy of the lotus\notes\data directory. To make this easier to administer, add the following script to
c:\winframe\system32\repl\import\scripts (call it admin.bat or whatever you would like):

# check if the notes data files have already been copied
# to the user's home directory
if exists %homedrive%%homepath%\lotus\notes\data goto end:
xcopy c:\lotus\notes\data\*
%homedrive%%homepath%\lotus\notes\data\ /s/e
copy %systemroot%\notes.ori

23) For each user of the system, edit the User Environment Profile and specify the above script (admin.bat, or whatever you named it) as the "Logon Script Name" (this profile can be edited inside the User Manager for Domains utility).

24) Each WinCenter user must also do the following:

a) Create a Lotus Notes personal program group and program item. The working directory for the program item must be:

b) Add his/her Lotus Notes id file to:

c) Edit the notes.ini files as described in step 17 (above), using his/her home directory.

If installed on an NTFS, the permissions on the original Notes files should be read and execute, to prevent users from modifying them.

Also the local modem and help files could be deleted to save DASD.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Installation/Removal Procedures, Software

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



Cross Brand

Product Family


Machine Type





Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes