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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3GKKXL

Home and Away Credit Card Adapter - Advanced information for cellular use

Applicable to: World-Wide

NOTE: "TAPI" stands for Telephony Application Programming Interface.

The Fax-Modem-Ethernet card may be used in cellular mode with the additional of a cellular upgrade kit and a cellular phone. The installation files that come with the Fax-Modem-Ethernet card use default settings that should allow the card to work with any cellular phone supported by your cellular upgrade kit. However, it is possible to increase cellular performance by adjusting the power level used with the cellular phone. The ideal power setting depends on the cellular phone and should be documented with the cellular upgrade kit or with the cellular phone documentation.

Your cellular modem is configured so that all cell phones are operated at a default power setting. It is possible to optimize the performance of many supported phones by using an "AT" command to change the power setting.

Optimizing cellualr performance for non-TAPI applications:
For non-Windows 95 (non-TAPI) applications, the user should include the power setting in the initialization string of the terminal applications that the cellular phone will be used with.

  1. Consult the terminal application's (eg. QuickLink Mobile) users guide to locate methods for updating the initialization string.
  2. Add AT-sec=1,XX (were XX equals the power level for the individual phone) to the end of the initialization string.

This change will be required for each non-TAPI application.

Optimizing cellular performance for TAPI applications:
For Windows 95 (TAPI) applications the user should use the modem wizard "Extra Settings" object box to enter the power setting.

  1. Select "Contol Panel" under "Settings" after clicking the "Start" icon.
  2. Choose the "Modems" icon. Click on the "Properties" button. Click on the "Connection" tab. Then click the "Advanced" button. The "Advanced Connections Settings menu should be displayed.
  3. Type the power setting "AT" command into the "Extra Settings" box leaving the "AT" off of the beginning. (ex. -sec=1,XX where XX = the power setting for the chosen phone)

This change will cause the new power level to used by all TAPI modem applications running on your Windows 95 system.

Search Keywords

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Modems, Networking, PCMCIA (PC Card)

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