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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3TDSB7

Servers - GPPE, Page fault ABEND running NetWare 3X/4X (SPXS PATCH)

Applicable to: World-Wide

Source: RETAIN tip H163301

- NetWare SMP 4x requires 3 to 5 minutes to return from calling TLI Function t_sndrel or t_revel

- The system ABENDS running NetWare 3x / 4x. Some typical ABEND messages include (but not limited to) the following:

"Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code 00000000) OS version: Novell NetWare 4.10 November 8, 1994 Running Process: Interrupt service routine (nested count 2)"

"Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code 00000000) OS version: Novell NetWare 4.10 November 8, 1994 Running Process: Server 10 Process"

"Abend: General Protection Processor Exception (Error code 00000000) OS version: Novell NetWare 4.10 November 8, 1994 Running Process: nsrd 3 Process". These were running Legato Network backup software.

"Abend: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error code 00000000) Running Process: TO Server #00001 Process"

- The system is any PC Server / Netfinity server running Novell NetWare 3x / 4x , or 4x SMP.
- The system passes diagnostics.

1- Contact Novell Technical Support (800-858-4000) and ask for FSPXS08A.EXE (it is a self-extracting executable file that
creates a diskette). This Novell Field Patch contains SPXS.NLM version T which is required if the system ABENDS.

2- Follow the instructions listed in the FSPXS08A.TXT file to apply this New Novell SPXS FIELD PATCH.

Note: At the time this document was published, the FIELD PATCH FSPXS08A.EXE was not available in the PUBLIC area of the Novell Website. Check the Website for availability of this file prior calling Novell.

PSY2, PSY2CODE, UNCLASSIFIED, NOVELL, NETWARE, 3X, 4X, D/T8638, D/T8639, D/T8640, D/T8641, D/T8642, D/T8650, D/T8651, D/T8644, ABEND, GPPE, SPXS, FSPXS08A.EXE

Search Keywords

PSY2, PSY2CODE, UNCLASSIFIED, NOVELL, NETWARE, 3X, 4X, D/T8638, D/T8639, D/T8640, D/T8641, D/T8642, D/T8650, D/T8651, D/T8644, ABEND, GPPE, SPXS, FSPXS08A.EXE

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 7000, PC Server 300, PC Server 310, PC Server 315, PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 500, PC Server 520, PC Server 704, PC Server 720

Machine Type

8644, 8651, 8640, 8639, 8638, 8641, 8650, 8642



Retain Tip (if applicable)


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and Admin Purposes

Date last altered: A98/04/08, Owning B.U.: USA, USA=A, EMA=A, AFE=A