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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: COBN-385BVR

IBM PC330/PC350 - Millennium WAN adapter fails to configure PNP correctly

Applicable to: World-Wide

The problem occurs when the IBM Plug and Play BIOS attemps to configure the Millennium EON-2A adapter. System will lock up without even booting the operating system.
The card functions properly in the IBM Aptiva 2168-M61 and in other vendors' machines.

Problem Isolation Aid:
There are two BIOS related problems:
1. The system BIOS tries to locates the EON-2A card in the E0000 memory area which causes conflict with system resources.
2. The system BIOS improperly programming 'range length' decode values into the Plug and Play registers. It seems to always calculates values for PnP register 42H based upon 'range length' decoding and ignores the type of decode request in the resource data and leaves bit 0 of register 42H in its initial state. The BIOS should write to this bit based on the type of decode indicated in the resource data.

Solution ::
Permanent Fix - New BIOS level 59 fixes both problems above.

File Name - LPJT59A.EXE or higher
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Hint Category

Adapter Cards

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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6576, 6586




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