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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3T7NNM

Servers - 3COM 3C975 ATM Adapter, NetWare, Server/Client configuration tip

Applicable to: World-Wide

The symptoms exhibited with each of these systems/defects is extremely slow client connection time and performance, and unreliable connection of clients. These are all related to an ATM signalling problem within the 3C975 adapter's driver, although this problem only manifests itself when using the 8285 class of ATM switch with 25Mb/s clients. 3COM is working on a driver fix, which won't be available before approximately April '98.

An interim workaround for this is to use a "Locally Administered Address" for all clients' configurations. This resolves the ATM signalling conflict between the server and the client, by forcing the client ATM adapter's MAC address to be a greater number than the server adapter's (3C975) MAC address.

To implement the LAA on an IBM Turboways 25 PCI client adapter, use the ATMAID utility to select the adapter and specify the MAC address as a "Locally Administered Address", then change the most significant digit (character) of the address from a "0" to a "4". Save and exit, and re-boot the client machine. Alternatively, or if not using ATMAID, edit the client machine's protocol.ini file and locate the MAC address for the client adapter and change the most significant character from "0" to "4", and save and exit, and re-boot client machine.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 7000

Machine Type

8644, 8651




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