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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-44HQ2W

Aptiva - ODBC errors installing World Book

Applicable to: World-Wide

If you receive error messages during the ODBC installation portion of the World Book 1998 installation process, then you may be encountering either a CD-Read problem, or a file-copy error. To resolve this problem you will need to manually copy the ODBC files located on the World Book CD-ROM into the appropriate Windows directory.

A: Preparation:
While running, many programs create temporary files on your hard drive that should be removed when complete, but are often left behind. Before beginning the instructions below, it is important to first make sure that your computer's hard drive does not contain any of these temporary files, and that no errors or corruption exists.

To prepare your hard drive for installation, follow these steps:

1.Click Start | Programs | Shut Down.
2.Select Restart the Computer in MS-DOS mode and then click Yes.
3.At the C:\Windows> prompt, type: DEL %TEMP%\*.TMP and press Enter.
4.Type: EXIT and press Enter to return to Windows.
5.Once back in Windows, click Start | Run.
6.Type: SCANDSKW and click OK.
7.Select all hard drives listed and then click Start.
8.If any errors are found, follow the on-screen instructions to fix them.
9.Once the scan is complete, click Close.
10.Click Start | Shut Down.
11.Select Restart the Computer and then click OK.
12.Once the computer has restarted, proceed to the instructions below.

Copying Files:
To copy the ODBC files to your hard drive, follow these steps:

1. Insert the World Book CD into the CD-ROM drive
2.Click Start | Run.
3.Type: COMMAND then click OK.
4.Type: MD\ODBC32 then press Enter.
5.Type: COPY G:\ODBC32\*.* C:\ODBC32 and press Enter
(where G: represents the drive letter of your CD-ROM. If your CD-ROM drive letter is different - substitute appropriately). This command will copy the contents of the ODBC32 directory on the World Book CD-ROM to the ODBC32 directory you've created on your hard drive [in step 2].
Several files will be copied during this process.
6.Once the copy procedure has completed, type EXIT and press <Enter>. You will return to Windows.
7.Click Start | Shut Down.
8.Select Restart in MS-DOS Mode.
9.Click YES to verify when prompted.
10.After a few moments, a black screen should appear with a blinking cursor following "C:\Windows>". This is the "DOS prompt". Once there, type: CD\WINDOWS\SYSTEM and press <Enter>.
11.From the C:\Windows\System> prompt, type: COPY C:\ODBC32\*.* and press <Enter>. If prompted to overwrite a file, press the [A] key on your keyboard (for 'all') and then press Enter.
12.If an error "Access denied - [file name]" appears, then you will need to change that file's attributes to allow the copy to proceed. To do this, type: ATTRIB [file name] -H -S -R and press Enter. Then repeat steps 10 and 11 until the copy process is allowed to complete without any errors .

Note: [file name] implies the file name displayed in the "Access Denied" error message. For example, if the error "Access denied - msvcrt.dll" appeared, then you would type: ATTRIB MSVCRT.DLL -H -S -R.

13.Once the file copy process is complete, type: Exit and press< Enter>. This will return you to Windows.
14.Reinstall World Book as detailed in the product's user guide.
15.Run World Book. If no errors appear, then the World Book installation is complete. Stop here.
If an error does appear, then you may need to configure the World Book database. Proceed to the CONFIGURE instructions below.

Configure only if there are errors during step 15 above:

To configure the World Book database, follow these steps:

1.Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
2.Double-click the 32-bit ODBC icon.
3.Click the System DSN tab.
4.Click the Add button.
Note: If the Add button is not available then the Copy Files procedure has not been completed properly. Return to that section (above) and repeat the instructions.
5.From the list displayed, highlight "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" and click Finish.
6.If you have World Book Deluxe edition, in the Data Source Name field type: WBME98 and click Select. If you have World Book Standard or Single Disk Edition, type: WBME981D and click Select.
7.In the window that appears, double-click on the yellow C:\ folder.
8.Scroll down until you see the WBME98 or WBME981D folder and double-click it.
9.On the left side of the screen you will see the either WB98DB.MDB (for the deluxe version) or WB98DB1D.MDB (for the single disk version). Double-click this file.
10.Click the OK button. If you are prompted to replace the definition, click OK to confirm the replacement.
11.Close the Data Source Administrator.
12.Close the Control Panel.
13.Run World Book. The program should execute normally.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Software Installation/Configuration, Error Messages, Entertainment Software

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IBM Aptiva

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Machine Type

2139, 2153


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