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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3DTV44

Servers - Customer registration error

Applicable to: World-Wide

Can not complete the WW Customer Registration, error: Not Enough Disk Space.

To recover from the error and return the registration data:

If you receive a Disk Full error message:
- Select Abort in the 'Not Enough disk Space' error message box. This will close the registration application. You will have to start the registration process over or quit without installing the screen savers.
- The next step highlights your registration options. Either; Start the registration process over, start the registration process over and choose another delivery method, or abort the registration process and do not install the screen savers.

Use A Diskette With Sufficient Space To Return The Registration Data
- Delete all files off the registration diskette or locate a blank diskette. The files are; Ibmpc.ini, Rdshell.ini, Setup.exe, Setup.w02, XXXdata.iqr, XXXdata.iqr.
- Restart the application by clicking on the Register icon (run REGISTER.EXE).
- Select Resume. The application will resume on the screen displayed prior to the error message. the customer's previous answers are still intact.
- Insert blank diskette.
- Select Send Data. The application will write three files to the diskette: XXXdata.asc, XXXdata.iqr, and XXXdat_t.ini. (XXX being a survey code based on language selected).
- After the data is saved, you will be given the option to install the screen savers. You can then return the registration diskette in the kit.

Select Another Return Method
- Restart the application by clicking on the Register icon (run REGISTER.EXE).
- Select resume. The application will resume on the screen displayed prior to the error message. The customer's previous answers are still intact.
- Back up to the first screen of the application by clicking the Previous button and choose another return method (modem or print).
- Go to the end of the registration by clicking the Next button.
- Click the Send Data button. follow the instructions given on screen for that particular return method.
- After the data is sent via modem or printed out, you will be given the option to install the screen savers.

There is currently no U.S. phone registration for customers.

Send The Diskette With Partially Saved Data
- This will not allow you to receive the screen savers. Although the error message reads that the diskette is full, one file has been written to the disk containing the customer name, address, model, and serial number. The file is called XXXdata.iqr. (XXX being a survey code based on language selected).
- You can remove the diskette and place it in the return mailer provided by IBM.
- The application does not recognize a successful data send by the user and will not allow the customer to install the screen savers.

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