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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: CPES-38LE8X

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2.0GB Internal PS/2 4mm SCSI Tape Drive - Tape Drive fails diagnostics when attached to SCSI Adapter

Applicable to: World-Wide

4mm 2.0GB Tape Drive fails the tape drive diagnostics when connected to a SCSI-2 Fast Wide Adapter/A (Marketing Part Number 70G8498, FRU Part Number 92F0160).

Problem Isolation Aids:
The SCSI-2 Adapter supports Wide Data transfer while the 4mm 2.0 Tape Drive does not. During diagnostics, the adapter 'asks' the drive if it can handle Wide Data transfer. The drive doesn't respond correctly, because it was not originally designed to run with a FAST/WIDE SCSI-2 Adapter. This is a diagnostics problem only. Application Software does not have this problem.

The diagnostics can be effectively run by disabling WIDE SCSI MESSAGES using the following procedure:

Configure the FAST/WIDE/SCSI-2 Adapter to disable WIDE MESSAGE communication. Use the reference diskette shipped with the system or the system reference programs (system partition).

1. From the main menu select SET CONFIGURATION
3. View the IBM PS/2 SCSI-2 Adapter
4. Select WIDE SCSI MESSAGES = DISABLED (The default setting = ENABLED)
5. Use F10 and Save the configuration change.

There are two listings for WIDE SCSI MESSAGES in the configuration of the FAST/WIDE SCSI ADAPTER.

Select either:
1.WIDE SCSI MESSAGES-EXTERNAL, if the drive is connected to the external SCSI Bus on the rear of the adapter
2. WIDE SCSI MESSAGE-INTERNAL if the tape drive is attached to the internal SCSI bus.
The diagnostics should now run without failure.

After running the diagnostics, the configuration should be returned to the original settings, as other FAST/WIDE SCSI devices are probably installed in the system.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Diagnostics, Error Messages

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IBM Options

Product Family

SCSI Adapters, Tape Drives

Machine Type

MCA, 4.x GB


70G8498; 55F9464


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