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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: JBAR-3QJS5D

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM ValuePoint - Troubleshooting guide

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
This guide covers the following models :-
1. 6384-Cxx
2. 6384-Fxx
3. 6384-Mxx
4. 6384-Wxx
5. 6312-001
6. 6314-001
7. 6319-001

Guide Details:
1. Version 1.13A.1(will be continually updated and revised) 3/10/93.
2. Written by: Ernie Cooper, National Support Center, Atlanta (passed to Joe Decker, National Support Center, Raleigh)
3. Edited by: Ray Winkel

Table of Contents:

Section I System Board / ROM
Section II Video
Section III OS/2 Preload
Section IV Diskette Drives / Tape Drives
Section V Hard Drives
Section VI SCSI
Section VII Memory
Section VIII Other


This guide was created to assist IBM employees in solving problems with the IBM Model 6384 PS/ValuePoint computer. The information in this guide will hopefully be a resource which will help IBM in giving quality support to its customers. This guide was compiled by gathering information from numerous manuals, documents, and people. Any additions, suggestions, or corrections brought to the attention of the editor would be very much appreciated.

This guide could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes will periodically be made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of this guide.

System Board / ROM
1. Definition of Local Bus.
The I/O channel, where all I/O devices are located (i.e. video cards, hard drive controllers, and serial adapters) operates at a given speed. On most PC systems, including the PS/ValuePoint, the I/O channel runs at 8 MHz. This means that I/O devices, such as the built-in video controller, runs at the speed of 8 MHz. The processor, on the other hand, runs at a much higher speed. For example the PS/ValuePoint processor on the 6384-F00 model runs at 25 MHz. The ValuePoint's I/O channel is the ISA or AT-BUS architecture.

The local bus technology incorporates two different types of I/O channels. The system board has the standard 8 MHz I/O slots that you see on most ISA systems. They also have "Local Bus" I/O slots. The local bus slots run at the speed of the processor, not 8 MHz. This technology obviously increases the throughput of the machine. There are special local bus adapters that take advantage of the local bus technology. The two most common adapters for local bus slots are video and hard drive controllers. There are no IBM systems that incorporate the "Local Bus" technology (as of the writing of this guide).
2. ROM BASIC on the ValuePoint system.
IBM computers have a certain amount of the BASIC programming language built into the computer's ROM BIOS. On most PS/2 systems, the size of BASIC on the ROM chip is 32KB. On the PS/ValuePoint systems, the ROM BASIC is 5KB in size.
3. With EMM386.EXE, you can include the address ranges, (not official).
C000-C7FF (Free space that EMM386.EXE thinks is taken up by a video adapter)
F725-FBFF (ROM BASIC) * Note: QEMM includes F900-FDFF, so try that range.
B000-B7FF (Mono video)* Note: Some high-res. video modes might use this address range. Windows 3.1 uses this range.
E000-E7FF (Video ROM) * Note: Only include if you install an OEM video card to override on-board video.
4. The serial port UART chip is a 16450B. The maximum speed of the serial port is 19,200 BAUD.
5. DMA information, (not official).
According to the diagnostic program CHECKIT, there are eight DMA channels, numbered 0-7. DMA 2 is used by the floppy drive. DMA 4 is used by the cascade.
6. The following are the model and sub-model bytes for the ValuePoint machines :-
Model Sub-model
386 SLC F8 49
486 SX F8 4A
486 DX & DX2 F8 4B
7. The following is a list of the interrupt (IRQ) assignments on ValuePoint :-
IRQ 0 Timer
IRQ 1 Keyboard
IRQ 2 Cascade Interrupt Requests (Possibly Video)
IRQ 8 Real-Time Clock
IRQ 9 Redirect Cascade, Video
IRQ 10 Available
IRQ 11 Available
IRQ 12 Auxiliary Device (Mouse)
IRQ 13 Math Coprocessor Exception
IRQ 14 Fixed Disk
IRQ 15 Available
IRQ 3 Serial Alternate
IRQ 4 Serial Primary
IRQ 5 Available
IRQ 6 Diskette
IRQ 7 Parallel Port
8. How do you run setup on the ValuePoint systems ?.
Press the F1 key during POST (boot-up) as the system is counting memory.There is no reference or starter diskette for the ValuePoint.
9. Processor upgrade information.
The 25/50 DX2 processor upgrade goes into the math coprocessor socket. The 33/66 DX2 processor upgrade goes into the socket where the 486DX/33 processor is.
10. The ValuePoint system has a beeper, NOT a speaker.
11. There are five 16-bit expansion slots, 4 full length slots and 1 half-length slot.
12. Adding serial (COM) devices on the ValuePoint.
You can have up to four COM ports on the PS/ValuePoint. Setup will only show two COM ports in the configuration screen, even if there are three or four COM devices.
13. The battery on the ValuePoints is a lithium battery.
14. Power-on password information.
You can enable a password on the ValuePoints through the configuration utility built on the ROM chip. Since anyone could make a password, some customers may want the computer to not have the password setting capability. You can accomplish this by removing the power-on password jumper from the system board.
15. The DMA controller is a 24-bit controller.

FASTBIOS.SYS is a utility that comes with the 486 ValuePoint machines. The driver is supposed to shadow the system's video BIOS. Since the video BIOS is already shadowed in RAM, there is no need to install this driver. The driver will not work on the ValuePoint systems. The driver was shipped by the video chip manufacturer in case a system did not already shadow the video BIOS.
2. OS/2 Preload flicker problem.
The OS/2 2.00.1 preload video driver runs at 43.5Hz Interlaced in SVGA (1024x786) mode. There is a video driver now available that runs at 70 Hz. This driver also allows the customer to run in other modes such as 800x600. The driver is available on the BBS, see SECTION VIII, Other for details.
3. FST stands for Flatter Squarer Tube. The 6319 is a FST monitor.
4. MFI stands for Mainframe Interactive. The ValuePoints support MFI modes 2, 3, and 4.
5. Monitor support questions.
PS/ValuePoint supported monitors - 6312, 6314, 6319. Any PS/2 monitor except the 8506, 8508, 8517, and the 95xx series. Will PS/ValuePoint monitors work on PS/2 Premium systems? Yes. As a rule of thumb, most VGA or SVGA compatible monitors will work on the ValuePoints.
To set your computer in the right high resolution mode, you need to configure either the CLMODE (for 386 SLC) or the VMODE (for 486) program. This is necessary to run your system in a high resolution mode (i.e.
800x600 or 1024x768). Below are the "best" settings for each mode with the PS/ValuePoint monitors in 1024x768 mode :-
6312 in 1024x768 - CLMODE 3+ m5+ or VMODE 65m
6314/6319 in 1024x768 - CLMODE 3+ m7+ or VMODE 72m
If you are going to run Windows high resolution drivers, you need to run CLMODE or VMODE before you run Windows.
7. The PS/ValuePoint computers use DRAM video memory, not VRAM video memory. VRAM is generally faster but more expensive than DRAM.
8. The NEC 3D monitor does not seem to work on the ValuePoint machines.
9. Video chipset information.
386 SLC - Cirrus Logic, CL-GD5422 (Compatible with Paradise)
486 - Tseng Labs, ET4000
10. Video feature connector information.
a. The 386 SLC, 486 DX and 486 DX2 feature connectors are pinned properly.
b. The 486 SX connector is pinned to an Asian standard. You will need an interposer.

The feature connector was built for connectivity to OEM multimedia solutions that use a feature connector. The connector has not been tested by IBM, and there are no IBM options that utilize the feature connector.
11. There is 1MB of Video DRAM on all ValuePoint models.
12. Video accelerator card information. A video accelerator card is a video card that is designed in such a way to increase video performance. The video built on the system board is not a video accelerator.
13. The following are the high resolution video modes you can use on the PS/ValuePoint systems.
640x480 (16 colors) at 60 & 72 Hz
640x480 (256 colors) at 60 & 72 Hz
640x480 (up to 16 million colors) at 60 Hz (Cxx model only)
800x600 (256 colors) at 56, 60, & 72 Hz
800x600 (up to 64K colors) at 56 & 60 Hz (Cxx model only)
1024x768 (256 colors) at 60 & 70 Hz
1204x768 (256 colors) at 87 Hz (interlaced)
14. Monitor size information.
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) manufacturers designate their tubes as 14 inch, 15 inch, etc. The 15 inches they are referring to is the diagonal line from one top corner of the glass to the opposite bottom corner. When the CRT is installed in a product such as the 6319, you loose some of the glass since it is covered by the bezel. If you measure the diagonal it will be less than 15 inches. We are following the industry by quoting 15 inch nominal.
15. Disabling the video on the ValuePoint systems.
To install a video card in the ValuePoint, you must disable the on-board video. There are jumpers to accomplish this on the
486 ValuePoints :-
425 SX model - Move JP10 from 2-3 to 1-2. Remove JP1
433 DX & DX2 model - Move JP10 from 2-3 to 1-2. Remove JP17
325T model - Some systems have a jumper JP17, others do not have a video disable jumper.
16. All ValuePoint monitors meet the VLMF emissions standards.
17. STB video accelerator card information.
a. The STB adapter is called the PowerGraph X-24 adapter.
b. It is a 16-bit adapter card.
c. STB's phone number is 1-214/234-8750.
d. If you are using EMM386.EXE, include the address range E000-E7FF.
e. Supports up to 16.7 million colors at 640x480 resolution.
f. Supports up to 65,536 colors at 800x600 resolution.
g. The video is roughly 5 times as fast as standard SVGA.
h. Refer to pg. 1-3 of the STB manual if you are having video problems and you have a COM4 on the machine.
i. The STB card is faster due to a video coprocessor that performs functions the processor normally does. This includes a hardware cursor, line drawing, rectangle filling, high-speed image transfers, bit block transfers, support for no-wait video write operations, color expansion, and first-in-first-out (FIFO) data cache.
18. OS/2 Video Driver Problem.
There is a problem that may arise with the new 486 SVGA Video Drivers for the ValuePoint using OS/2 2.00.1. OS/2, with these drivers installed, will experience video problems when changing video modes such as in Communications Manager and OS/2 full screen modes.

The problem is due to a change in the vendor of a video frequency controller chip on the system board. This chip is located just left of the TSENG video chip on the system board. The older chip is labeled "ICS" and the newer chip is labeled "CHRONTEL". The OS/2 drivers are written to handle the ICS chip but will not work correctly with the CHRONTEL chip. There is a new OS/2 video driver that will solve this problem.

OS/2 Preload
1. Deleted.
2. There is a 0 MB partition on the ValuePoint computers. It is Type FE. You can delete it with FDISKPM. Type FE partition is only required for European systems.
3. DOS fax software does not seem to work under OS/2 2.00.1. FaxWorks, made by SoftNet, is an OS/2 fax program that does work.
4. To put the OS/2 desktop in SVGA mode, you need to.
a. Click on the Welcome folder icon.
b. Click on the Configuration Tools icon.
c. Click on the Configure icon.
d. Click on the box to the left of the Primary Display, then click on OK.
e. Choose SVGA as your display.
5. The OS/2 Support Matrix :-
ValuePoint 1.30.1 1.30.2 2.0 2.0 2.00.1
SE + EE SE + EE Service PAK
325T 1,2,3 1,2,3 1 1 No
425 SX 1,3 1,3 Yes Yes Preload
433 DX 1,3 1,3 Yes Yes Preload
466 DX/2 1,3 1,3 Yes Yes Preload
1 = VGA mode only
2 = Requires "F-Disk error during boot" fix - Defect 57012
3 = Requires "Date/Time 162/163 error" fix - Defect 57146

6. How to delete the OS/2 preload off the ValuePoint computer :-
a. Make Utility Diskettes.
Obtain three 2MB blank diskettes. Locate the "Configuration Tools" icon in the Welcome Folder. Open the Configuration Tools Folder. Locate the "Create Utility Diskettes" icon inside of the Configuration Tools icon view window. Open and create the Utilities Diskettes. The "Utilities Diskettes" window will appear. Select the drive where the Utility Diskettes will be created. Type "C" or place the mouse pointer on the "C" or place the mouse pointer on the "Create" and push the button and click once. Follow the instructions on the screen to prepare the Utility Diskettes. Label the diskettes 1, 2, and 3.
b. Delete OS/2 Preload.
Restart the system from the Utility Diskette (Place Utility Diskette #1 into Drive A, press Cntr-Alt- Del). Place Diskette #2 and #3 into the drive when instructed and press enter. A command prompt should appear. Place diskette containing OSDELETE.EXE into drive A. Type OSDELETE and hit enter. When prompted "DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE?" press "Y". When prompted "DO YOU WISH TO STOP NOW?" press "N". Type the system's serial number and press enter. OSDELETE will remove all files in the OS2 sub-directories. Record the "VERIFICATION NUMBER" (Must have to get free DOS 5.0). Press the enter key twice to return the OS/2 command prompt.
7. There is a patch for AutoCad to work under OS/2.
To get the file, you can contact AutoDesk or get the file OS2PCH.ZIP from the AutoCad forum under Compuserve.

Diskette Drives / Tape Drives

1. Common diskette problems.
a. If the 'B' drive has a terminating resistor (T-Res) on it, you need to take it off.
b. The 'B' drive select should be on "1", the twist in the 'A' drive cable takes care of the drive select.
c. If a customer is having a problem with our 5.25 drive, make sure the customer knows to push the drive button in to lock the diskette in the drive.
2. OEM tape backup information (not official).
Mountain File Safe 8000 will work under DOS. It will not work under OS/2. Colorado Tape Jumbo 250 backup will work under DOS. It will not work under OS/2, but they are working on drivers planned to be available by March 1993. Tecmar QT60I will work under DOS and OS/2.
3. General diskette drive information.
a. ValuePoints only support two diskette drives.
b. The only 'B' drive option is a 1.2MB 5.25 inch drive.
c. 2.88MB drive will not work.
d. The drives are not Media-Sensing.
e. You cannot make the 5.25 inch drive a bootable drive or the 'A' drive.
4. The floppy drive controller cannot be disabled.
5. If you are going to use the 2.0GB SCSI drive, you need to run the following Systos package:
DOS machines - Systos 1.34
OS/2 machines - Systos 1.35

Hard Drives

1. What type of hard drives can you install in the ValuePoints systems ?.
The standard hard drive interface is IDE. You can install a SCSI adapter to run a SCSI hard drive.
2. The IDE drives in the ValuePoints conform to the ANSICAM standard.
If a customer purchases an OEM IDE drive, it needs to be an ANSICAM drive. If an OEM drive does not work as a slave drive, that is a good tip that it is not an ANSICAM drive.
3. If you install a second IDE drive, you need to set the Master/Slave jumper accordingly. One drive needs to be the Master (C: drive) and the other needs to be the Slave (D: drive).
4. How do you low-level format a hard drive?
a. Boot the advanced diagnostics diskette
b. Select system checkout
c. Select "Y" if the option list is correct
d. Select "Run Tests One Time"
e. Select Test #17
f. Select Format Menu
g. Select either Conditional or Unconditional format
5. The following is a list of the hard drive specs (heads, cylinders, access time, etc) :-
80MB 120MB 170MB 212MB

Avg seek time 16 ms 15 ms 16 ms 15 ms
Avg r/w time 18.5 ms 15 ms 18.5 ms 15 ms
Data xfer rate 13.3Mbits/s 12Mbits/s 13.3Mbits/s 18.9Mbits/s
Media to buffer
Avg latency 8.33 ms 8.5 ms 8.33 ms 8.45 ms
Buffer 32KB 64KB 32KB 64KB
Heads(logical) 10 16 10 16
Cylinders(log) 932 936 984 682
Sectors/Track 17 17 34 38

6. If you order a ValuePoint without a hard drive, the cable will be shipped in the box, not in the system.
7. The ValuePoint IDE settings.
Primary(Master) Secondary(Slave)
Pin Connector drives (Maxtor) - Second from Right Far Right
Switch Block drives (IBM) - 1,2,3 on 1,3 on
4 off 2,4 off

8. IBM Hard Drives are measured in Million Bytes, not Mega Bytes.


1. SCSI options for the PS/ValuePoint.
Internal Options :-
a. Internal 8-bit SCSI Kit (p/n 04G6128)
b. Internal 16-bit SCSI Kit (p/n 32G4088)
Option Part Number
80MB Fixed Disk 6451045
104MB Fixed Disk 6451241
160MB Fixed Disk 6451046
212MB Fixed Disk 6451242
320MB Fixed Disk* 6451234
400MB Fixed Disk* 6451235
1GB Fixed Disk* 6451052 (16-bit adapter only)
CD-ROM II Drive 6451104
Rewriteable Optical** 6451062
2.3GB Tape Drive 6451121 (16-bit adapter only)
2.0GB Tape Backup 55F9464 (16-bit adapter only)
* The holes on the drive do not line up in the 3.5 inch bays, so it is not supported internally.
** The Rewriteable drive is a 3.5 inch device, so it will not fit correctly. We don't have an internal mount bracket for it.

External Options :-
a. External 8-bit SCSI Kit (pn 04G6129) (adpt. & ext cable)
b. External 16-bit SCSI Cable Kit (pn 32G4089)
c. 6451042 (Option to Option Cable)
d. 04G6130 (External Cable for 8-bit internal kit)

Option Part Number Extra Parts Needed
80MB Fixed Disk 6451045 35100V0 (External Enclosure)
104MB Fixed Disk 6451241 35100V0
160MB Fixed Disk 6451046 35100V0
212MB Fixed Disk 6451242 35100V0
320MB Fixed Disk 6451234 35100V0
400MB Fixed Disk 6451235 35100V0
1GB FIXED DISK* 6451052 35100V0
CD-ROM II Drive 6451104 35100V0
6451146 (Install Kit B)
Rewriteable Optical 6451062 35100V0
2.3GB Tape Drive* 3532023 31F4186
2.0GB Tape Drive* 55F9464 35100V0
* This option is only supported with the 16-bit SCSI adapter.

2. You can have up to two SCSI adapters in the ValuePoint system.
3. In order to have a SCSI drive a boot drive you need to make sure :-
a. There is no IDE drive in the system (the IDE primary drive will boot if you have a an IDE and a SCSI drive).
b. The SCSI ID has to be set to ID 6.
4. OS/2 and the SCSI adapter.
OS/2 may lockup with the IBM AT-Bus SCSI adapter. The solution is to have the SCSI adapter use an interrupt. Jumpers W6 & W7 make the adapter use IRQ 3 & IRQ 5 respectively.
5. The 8-bit SCSI adapter information.
The 8-bit SCSI adapter is a TMC-850IBM adapter, manufactured exclusively for IBM by Future Domain. The configuration of the SCSI adapter is set up at the factory as follows :-
BIOS/Adapter Address: CA00h (W1, W2 open)
Interrupt select: Disabled
I/O Ports used: None
Termination Power: Enabled (W4)
Zero Wait State: Disabled (W5)
If you set W6 enabled, the card will use IRQ3. If you set W7 enabled, the card will use IRQ 5.
6. The 16-bit SCSI adapter information.
The 16-bit SCSI adapter is manufactured exclusively for IBM by Future Domain. The configuration of the SCSI adapter is set up at the factory as follows:
BIOS/Adapter Address: CA00h
Interrupt select: IRQ 5
I/O Ports used: 0140-014F
Termination Power: Enabled


1. Wait states on the ValuePoint.
The ValuePoints uses 0-2 Wait States. It uses 0 wait states if the processor finds its information in the cache memory. It uses 0-2 wait states if the processor needs to go to the RAM memory for data, depending on where in memory the data is located.
2. Memory configurator.
386 SLC :-
a. Comes standard with 2MB memory soldered on the system board.
b. Has two empty SIMM sockets on the planar.
c. You can install the following memory SIMM sizes on the system board in any order or combination... 1MB, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB. The memory is 72-pin IBM SIMMs (same memory as the PS/2 Model 35 SX). The speed of the SIMMs can be 70, 80, or 85 ns. The memory will run at 85 ns on the system, regardless of the speed of the SIMM.
1MB SIMM (85 ns) - 6450603
2MB SIMM (85 ns) - 6450604
4MB SIMM (80 ns) - 87F9977
8MB SIMM (80 ns) - 6450129
486 :-
a. There are eight SIMM sockets on the system board.
b. Memory must be installed in sets of four.
c. Each set of four must contain four 1MB SIMMs or four 4MB SIMMs.
The memory is 30-pin Industry Standard SIMMs. The memory runs at 80 ns.
1MB SIMM (80 ns) - 96F9290
4MB SIMM (80 ns) - 96F9291
3. My ValuePoint is not counting up all the memory I think it should.
486 Models :-
The memory will count to 384KB less than the total memory installed. ROM shadowing uses 128KB of memory, whether it is enabled or disabled. The other 256KB memory is not used by the system, and cannot be recovered.
386 SLC Model :-
The memory will count to 128KB less than the total memory installed. The 128KB is used for ROM shadowing. When you disable ROM shadowing, you WILL get the 128KB back.
4. Hardware Memory Cache.
RAM memory on the ValuePoints is located on SIMM chips in sockets on the system board. It takes a certain amount of time for the processor to retrieve information from the SIMM chips. To speed up a computer's performance, system boards incorporate memory cache.

Memory cache is high speed static RAM located either internally or externally to the processor. The 386 SLC, 486 SX, 486 DX, and 486 DX2 processors have 8KB of internal processor cache, called Level One cache. The Mxx and W52 models have 128KB of external, or Level Two cache. Level two cache is commonly known as L2 cache. L2 cache normally runs around 15 to 17 ns.
5. You can install up to 18MB of memory on the 386 SLC, but the system will only recognize 16MB.
6. The L2 Cache in the ValuePoints is not upgradeable.
7. There is a patch for OS/2 to recognize more than 16MB. Contact Defect Support for the patch.
8. Why memory has to be installed in sets of FOUR on the 486 ValuePoints. The memory SIMM is 8 bits wide. There are four SIMMs in a bank. Memory is addressed in 32-bit paths (4X8=32).


1. The power supply is 145 Watts and you have a maximum of 10 Watts per adapter slot for adapter cards.
2. Common power problems on the ValuePoints.
Some systems will not power on or power off because the cover is not seated properly. The switch on the back of the power supply needs to be set to 115V instead of the preset 230V.
3. If a system does not have a hard drive light or a power light, check to see if the light cable is connected.
4. ValuePoint as a desktop unit.
IBM only officially supports the ValuePoint as a desktop unit. The ValuePoint has not been UL tested as a tower unit (on it's side).
5. There is a patch to get a DCA Irma card to work on PS/ValuePoints. Contact DCA.
6. The ValuePoint systems will not work with Windows 3.1 32-bit disk access.
7. Sales advisor & Marketing glossy mistakes.
a. The 120MB Tape Backup is not supported in the PS/ValuePoint systems.
b. Sales Advisor has numerous errors, including the memory configurations on Pg. C-9.
8. The ValuePoint systems are Novell certified. ValuePoint as a server requires a Novell driver :-
Novell 2.2 - You need PS2ISA.COM.
Novell 3.11 - You need IDE386.EXE.
9. The default keyboard scan code is set for SCAN CODE 2.
10. Software packages that may have problems with the SLC processor (not official) :-
a. FoxPro
b. PCMoss
11. Deleted.
12. We do not have any Mean-Time-Between-Failure ratings for the ValuePoint systems.
13. The following list are settings you can alter with the setup routine.
a. BIOS Shadowing (enable or disable).
b. Power on Password (enable or disable).
c. Startup sequence (either smart or conventional).
Smart: If there is a non-bootable diskette in the A drive, it will ignore the disk and boot to the hard drive.
Conventional: If there is a non-bootable diskette in the A drive, it will prompt you to put in a bootable diskette.
d. Serial Port (change COM ports or disable)
486 ValuePoint
Serial A Address/IRQ Serial B Address/IRQ
COM1 3F8 (IRQ 4) COM2 2F8 (IRQ 3)
COM3 3E8 (IRQ 4) COM4 2E8 (IRQ 3)
386 SLC ValuePoint
Serial A Address/IRQ
COM1 3F8 (IRQ 4)
COM2 2F8 (IRQ 3)
e. Parallel Port (change address or disable)

All ValuePoint Systems
Port Address/IRQ
Parallel_1 3BC (IRQ 7)
Parallel_2 378 (IRQ 7)
Parallel_3 278 (IRQ 7)

f. Date and Time

14. Diskettes that are on the IBM BBS. The phone number is 1-404/835-6600.
Advanced Diagnostics - VPADV100.DSK (This file is only on the TA BBS. Only dealers have access to the TA BBS).
386 SLC Drivers - VP386SVG.DSK
486 Drivers - VP486SVG.DSK
Utilities Diskettes - PREINST1.DSK
OS/2 Video Driver - OS2DRVP.DSK
You will need the file LDF.COM to decompress these files to diskettes.

15. ValuePoint document numbers on the IBM Fax system.
ValuePoint 325T 11133
ValuePoint 425 SX 11134
ValuePoint 433 DX 11135
ValuePoint 466 DX 11136
ValuePoint 6312 Display 11137
ValuePoint 6314 Display 11138
ValuePoint 6319 Display 11139
ValuePoint Facts and Features 11142
ValuePoint Overview 11143
Installation Instructions for
Windows 3.1 drivers 12578

16. DASD bay information.
2 3.5" slim-high bays (one of these is for the 1.44MB floppy)
1 3.5" half-high bay (this bay is used by the hard drive)
2 5.25" half-high bays
Two of the 3.5" bays (1 slim-high & 1 half-high) are hidden, the rest are open.

17. You can hit the ESC key to stop the memory from counting during POST.

18. Several systems have been shipped without cover lock keys. You will need to order a new cover lock assembly to fix it.

19. IRQ2 Interrupt Conflict.
The video on the ValuePoints use IRQ2 by default. Some adapter cards such as Token- Ring adapters will conflict with the ValuePoint if the card uses IRQ2. There is a jumper on most systems the will disable the video from using IRQ2 to free up the conflict.
W52 & Mxx models - Jumper labeled JP305
Fxx models - Jumper labeled JP17
Cxx models - Jumper labeled JP16 (The first Cxx models were not built with a JP16 jumper)
20. Warranty information.
a. The ValuePoint systems have a 1 year, On-Site warranty. If a customer wants to purchase any kind of extended warranty, they can call the IBM Maintenance Department, 1-800/624-6875.
b. If a dealer needs to use the 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, the dealer needs to call 1-800/426-9733 to get the information and paperwork for the return.
21. Where the serial number of the ValuePoint is located.
a. Under the key lock on the metal casing.
b. On the back of the unit.
22. Emulation cards with DOS and EMM386.EXE.
If you use a memory manager program such as EMM386.EXE or QEMM386.EXE, you need to exclude the emulation card's ROM address and RAM address. If you do not, some programs can load "on top of" the emulation card, causing unusual errors or lock-ups.
23. Modem problems.
Modems use COM ports and IRQs (interrupt levels). The modem could be conflicting with a serial port on the system board. Change the COM port and/or the IRQ level of the modem to so it is not conflicting with the system.
24. SCO-Unix and SCO-Zenix have a patch to get the operating system to work on the ValuePoint. Contact SCO-Unix/Zenix.
25. There is no 'Turbo' button or hardware device to slow down the processor. There are software programs available that will slow down the processor, usually found on bulletin board systems.
26. The AutoCad drivers that come with the ValuePoint will work with AutoCad Release 12.
27. The beeper on the ValuePoint is a Piezo beeper.
28. The ValuePoints that come with the STB card are only available from DRM, 1-800/IBM-2YOU.
29. Token-Ring RIPL problem hint.
Try setting the Token-Ring card at an address higher than C800.
30. Configuration change in the 6384-F20 ValuePoint.
The F20 model used to come with an 80MB hard drive. Now it comes with a 120MB hard drive. Dealer can return the 80MB version for 120MB by calling 1-800/426-9733. This has to be done before February 26, 1993. You must ship all your returns in ONE shipment.
31. The ValuePoints systems and monitors are FCC Class 'B' certified.
32. If a ValuePoint does not work on a cold boot, and works on a warm boot, check to see if DOS is IBM. There have been numerous problems with MS-DOS on the ValuePoint.
33. If you are going to use a Token Ring II adapter and EMM386, put a parameter D=100 in the CONFIG.SYS. The D=100 parameter allocates 100KB of DMA buffer for the Token-Ring II adapter.
34. If you are having 162 & 163 errors on ValuePoints with OS/2, try the following steps.
a. Download CLOCK01.SYS, For a copy please Double Click here:-
b. Delete the CLOCK01.SYS from the OS2 directory on the ValuePoint hard drive.
c. Copy your new CLOCK01.SYS to the OS2 directory.
d. Shutdown.
e. Cold boot the machine TWICE.
35. The mouse is a 200 D.P.I. (dots per inch) mouse.
36. Foxpro issues with the SLC processor (325T computer).
Foxpro 2.0 could hang on the SLC chip. To get around this, try to load Foxpro in expanded memory. Foxpro 2.5 should work fine on the SLC chip.
37. Lotus has a patch for 3.1 and 3.1+. Contact Lotus for details. IT STILL REQUIRES EMM386 FOR SOME REASON.

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