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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-385CLM

IBM PC330/PC350 - Token Ring failure after flash BIOS update

Applicable to: World-Wide

Symptom :
IBM PC 300 Series 6576 and 6586 systems with an IBM Auto 16/4 ISA Token Ring Adapter installed may fail to connect to the LAN after updating the Flash BIOS level from LPJT56A to LPJT59A.

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Fix :
When installing Flash BIOS level LPJT59A, REMOVE the Auto 16/4 ISA Token Ring Adapter from the system.

The Flash update process is reordering the IRQ choices for the adapter. The original IRQ setting for the Token Ring adapter is no longer valid.

If the system has been updated WITH the Auto 16/4 Token Ring adapter installed, and exhibiting the failing symptom, perform the following steps in sequence to correct the failure.

1) Access the systems Setup Utility by pressing F1 during the memory count.
2) Select the option to "Load Default Settings."
3) Disable Serial Port B (COM 2).
4) Disable ROM Shadowing at C8000h-CFFFFh in the Advanced Setup menu.
5) If there are any other adapters in the system, ensure that the IRQ's for those adapters are set as NOT AVAILABLE in the ISA Legacy Resources menu.
6) Reboot the system with the LANAID diskette inserted in Drive A:. Press F5 to bypass the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files.
7) Type LANAIDC /PNP=Y and press ENTER. This will set the adapter for Plug n Play mode.
8) Remove the LANAID diskette and reboot the system.
9) Access the Setup Utility by pressing F1 during the memory count.
10) Reenable Serial Port B (COM 2) and the C8000h-CFFFFh range in the ROM Shadowing menu. Reset any IRQ's that were set for NOT AVAILABLE in step #5 to AVAILABLE.

The Auto 16/4 Token Ring adapter should function normally. If the adapter continues to fail, verify that the steps above were followed correctly and continue normal problem determination to isolate the failing FRU.

NOTE - The steps above may need to be modified depending on the adapters co-existing with the IBM Auto 16/4 Token Ring adapter. Memory address ranges and IRQ's for other adapters may need to remain NOT AVAILABLE or DISABLED to allow proper operation. Consult the Users Guide for the adapter for additional information.

SAS Keywords :
D/T6586 6576 6586 PSY2ADPT
PC 330 PC 350

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6576, 6586




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