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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-439RNG

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Aptiva - 2163/2164 Considerations - Scrolling trashes graphics if large fonts are selected

Applicable to: World-Wide

This problem occurs when scolling in some help windows (with graphics), and only if Large Fonts are turned on.

Systems affected:
2163 and 2164

How to duplicate:
1. Enable large fonts
2. Change to 16-bit color mode
3. Open a Windows Help file containing an image such as the DVD help window
4. Scroll the window

Root Cause:
Root cause under investigation

To workaround, there are three options:
a) do not use large fonts (i.e. lower desktop resolution to increase font size)
i) This is changed either through Display Properties, Settings, Advanced, or
ii) Control Panel, Accessibility
b) Change to a higher color depth
i) Open Display Properties
ii) Go to the Settings tab
iii) Move the color depth pull down box to 32-bit.
c) Use the page-up, page-down keys to go through the help window.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Considerations, Video

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2163, 2164




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