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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GKEY-3JNE6E

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TP 765D/L - Diskette drive checkout

Applicable to: World-Wide

Diskette Drive Checkout
Do the following to isolate the problem to a controller, drive, or diskette. A scratch, write-enabled, nondefective 2HD diskette is required.

Note: The data on the diskette is altered during this test. Back up the data on the diskette, or use a blank formatted diskette.

FDD-1 represents a diskette drive in the UltraBay. FDD-2 represents the port replicator, expansion unit, or diskette drive attached through the external diskette drive connector.

Warning: Make sure that the diskette does not have more than one label attached to it. Multiple labels can cause damage to the drive or cause the drive to fail.

Do the following to select the test device:


Select the advanced diagnostics mode and select Tool ; then select FDD-1 or FDD-2 and press the Spacebar. A mark appears next to the selected icon.
Insert the blank diskette when instructed.


Run the diskette drive test.


If the controller test detects an error, FRU code 10 appears.
Replace the system board..


If the controller test runs without errors, the drive read/write tests start automatically.


If the drive test detects an error, FRU code 50 for FDD-1; or 51 for FDD-2 appears. If the diskette itself is known to be good, replace the drive.


If FDD-2 test detects an error, move the drive to the computer's diskette drive connector directly, if possible, and test it again as FDD-1.

If no errors occur in the FDD-1 position, the drive is not defective. Go to Port Replicator Checkout in the HMM to isolate the replicator problem.


If the drive is attached through an Expansion Unit, go to the service manual of the Expansion Unit to isolate the problem.


If the drive is attached through a Diskette Drive Attachment Unit, replace the unit.


If no error occurred when testing the formatted diskette, suspect the diskette that was used when the customer reported the problem.

If an error occurs when the external diskette drive is attached through the external diskette drive connector and there is
not a diskette drive in the UltraBay, reseat the connector on the video card. If the error persists, reseat the external diskette drive connector. If the error persists, replace the following FRUs one at a time:


External diskette drive kit


Video card


External diskette drive connector

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Hardware Maintenance Information, Diskette Drives

Date Created


Last Updated


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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 765L, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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