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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3C2DL2

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TP 365C/CS/CD/CSD/E/ED - Lower cover assembly FRU change (EMEA Only)

Applicable to: EMEA

Abstract: 2625 365 + E & ED MODEL LOWER COVER ASSEMBLY FRU #

The Lower Cover Assembly P/N75H7577 (Base) is being changed. The old cover was a bare plastic base. It did not contain any of the attached parts, such as the keyboard latches, labels, etc.

There are now two different Lower Cover Assemblies, one for the 365C, CD, CS & CSD, FRU P/N76H3079 (the old FRU# was 75H7577) , and the other for the 365E & ED, FRU P/N76H3123 (the old FRU# was 75H7577). The HMM Volume 3 (S82G-1503-04) will be updated to reflect this change in the next revision. The 365 E and ED can also use the tilt foot listed for the 365 X and XD. There are 2 feet in FRU P/N74H0571.

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Display/Monitor, Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 365C/CS, ThinkPad 365CD/CSD, ThinkPad 365E/ED

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