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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-433PNS

TP 770X - README file incorrectly states support of Hot Swapping floppy and CD-ROM drive under Windows NT

Applicable to: World-Wide

The README file located on the Windows NT desktop indicates that the ThinkPad is capable of Hot Swapping the CD-ROM drive and the floppy drive under Windows NT 4.0. The README file reads:

Hot Swapping UltraBay Devices

Hot swapping of UltraBay devices (such as the CD-ROM drive and the Diskette drive) is supported by your ThinkPad 770X Windows NT system. In order for hot swapping to occur, the CD-ROM drive must be installed in the UltraBay when the Windows NT system is booted. To enable UltraBay hot swap support, open the ThinkPad icon on your desktop and then open the ThinkPad Configuration icon in the ThinkPad folder. Select the UltraBay icon in the ThinkPad Configuration window, then select the "Enable UltraBay FDD warm attach" option, click on "OK", close all windows and restart your Windows NT system. You can now hot swap between the CD-ROM drive and the Diskette drive after suspending your ThinkPad 770X system. This can be accomplished by closing the lid on your system, waiting ten (10) seconds, swapping the drives and then opening the lid on your system.

Any ThinkPad 770X that came preloaded with Windows NT.

This information is incorrect in the README file. The ThinkPad does not support hot swapping of the floppy drive and the CD-ROM drive under Windows NT 4.0. This is stated correctly in the hard copy of the User's Guide.

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Windows NT

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 770X, ThinkPad 770Z

Machine Type

9549, 9544


7BU; 72U; 7BF; 72F; 7BA; 72A; 7BO; 7BJ


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