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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PMYS-3J6RNN

Aptiva - How to enable the System Sounds in OS/2

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following steps will allow System Sounds to be enable in OS/2:

1. Double-click on the "OS/2 System" icon, next double-click on the "System Setup" icon, then double-click on the "Sound" icon.

2. Verify that there is a check in the "Enable System Sounds" box. The screen will look similar to Figure 1.

3. Close the open windows by double-clicking the small icon at the top left corner of each window.

Figure 1. OS/2 System Sounds

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Audio, OS/2

Date Created


Last Updated


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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2144, 2168


2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; P30; 2R0; M60; M70; 3R0; 3R8; 932; LS2; LSB; LP2; LPB; KP2; KPB; LL1; L10; K10; LL3; L30; K30; LL5; L50; K50; L33; K33; L35; K35; U33; U35; XP1; YP1; 27J; 28J; 63J; 64J; 65J; 70J; 71J; W30


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